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War Chapters in the Covenant of Christ - Part 2 : Divine Symmetry

          What appears random or chaotic is actually part of divine symmetry preserving balance between opposites.

“The Holy One has established the requirements of the law that impose a fixed punishment opposite to the available happiness. Happiness is the purpose of the atonement. But there must be a balance or opposition for all things. If there were no balance, my first born in the wilderness, righteousness and wickedness couldn’t exist, or happiness and misery, or good and bad. The result would be no contrast but only an unvarying sameness [innocence]. That being the case, if everything were fixed into the same condition, there would be no difference between life or death, decay or growth, happiness or misery, awareness or unconsciousness. Therefore everything would have been created for nothing — there would have been no purpose resulting from its creation. This failure to have opposites would destroy the wisdom of God and His eternal purposes, and also make the power, mercy, and justice of God mean nothing. If you eliminate law, you must also eliminate sin. And if you eliminate sin, you must also eliminate righteousness. Then if there’s no righteousness, there’s no happiness. And if there’s no righteousness or happiness, there’s no punishment or misery. And if all these plans of God are destroyed, you must also destroy God. If you destroy God, then we wouldn’t exist, and neither would the earth, since there couldn’t have been a creation of things, either to act or be acted upon; therefore all things would have necessarily ceased to exist” (CofC, 2 Nephi 2:1:7, emphasis added).

The Lord’s plan requires balance “in all things.” There are consequences whenever a law is given and obeyed or defied.

Joseph Smith linked blessings with knowledge. He linked knowledge with obedience to laws. “And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come. There is a law, irrevocably decreed in Heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated — and when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.”1 “If we want a blessing, we must find the law upon which the blessing is predicated, and then follow that law. If we do, we get the blessing. There is a majestic simplicity to this orderly procedure . . .” (A Glossary of Gospel Terms, Blessings, p.591)

Blessings are tied to gaining knowledge. When knowledge is obtained the laws of God are revealed. Obedience to the laws of God lead to blessings, increased knowledge and greater light. The process is explained in RE T&C 36:

“Verily I say unto you, he that is ordained of me and sent forth to preach the word of truth by the Comforter, in the spirit of truth, does he preach it by the spirit of truth or some other way? And if by some other way, it is not of God. And again, he that receives the word of truth, does he receive it by the spirit of truth or some other way? If it be some other way, it is not of God. Therefore, why is it that you cannot understand and know that he that receives the word by the spirit of truth, receives it as it is preached by the spirit of truth? Wherefore, he that preaches and he that receives, understand one another, and both are edified and rejoice together. And that which does not edify is not of God, and is darkness. That which is of God is light, and he that receives light and continues in God receives more light, and that light grows brighter and brighter until the perfect day [return to God’s presence]” (RE T&C 36:4, emphasis added).

Obedience to God’s laws lead to blessings, greater light and knowledge and ascension to God’s presence. Conversely, disobedience to the laws of God lead to curses.

          These principles may be seen in the account referenced by Denver Snuffer in a recent blogpost:

“The Lord sent Alma to Ammonihah to preach repentance. The people not only rejected his message, but they also then killed his converts and burned the believers’ scriptures. Shortly afterward, they [people of Ammonihah] were destroyed. “Lamanite armies entered the outskirts of the land from the wilderness side, coming right into the city of Ammonihah, where they began to kill the people and destroy the city. Before the Nephites could raise an adequate army to drive them from the land, they had killed the people in the city of Ammonihah, as well as some in the outskirts of Noah, taking others as prisoners and left into the wilderness.” Alma 11:1-2. Their destruction was surgical. The attack was focused, limited, and resulted in only the loss of Ammonihah. Other cities visited by Alma and in which there were believing converts were spared” (Discuss Covenant of Christ Part 7, Denver Snuffer Jr., August 20, 2024).

Alma taught the people of Ammonihah laws of God and they rebelled against His teachings. The consequences for their rebellion was a balanced or “surgical” punishment in the same measure the people of Ammonihah showed those who believed Alma and repented. They reaped what they sowed which was just. In contrast, those cities who received the instructions of Alma were preserved from their enemies as a blessing for their obedience.

          The account of the people of Ammonihah is both a matter of history and the fulfillment of prophecy. In Zenos allegory of the Olive Tree, near the end of the allegory the Lord of the vineyard [Savior] instructs his servant to follow the same process to prepare the gathering of Israel.

“Therefore let’s go work hard this last time — the end is approaching, and this is the last time I’ll prune my vineyard. Graft in the branches — begin with the last [Gentiles] so they can be first and so the first [Israel] can be last — and loosen the soil around the trees, both old and young — the first and the last, and the last and the first — so everything can be tended again for the last time. Loosen the soil around them and prune them and fertilize them once more for the last time — the end is approaching. And if it turns out these last grafts [Israel’s gathering] grow and produce natural fruit, then you will trim away so they can grow. As they [repentant, fruitful people] begin to grow, you must clear away the branches that produce bitter fruit [rebellious], as the good gains size and strength. But you must not clear away the bad all at once as that would let the roots be too strong for the graft, because we don’t want the graft to die, and I don’t want to lose my vineyard’s trees. It would make me sad to lose the trees of my vineyard. Therefore you must clear away the bad in proportion to the growth of the good [opposition in all things], so the root and top will be equal in strength until the good overgrows the bad and the bad is cut down and thrown in the fire, so they don’t take up space in my vineyard. This will be how I’ll rid my vineyard of the bad. I’ll graft the branches of the original tree back into the original tree, and I’ll graft the branches of the original tree into the tree’s original branches. This is how I’ll bring them back together, so they will produce the original fruit again and be unitedThe bad will be thrown out — including from my entire vineyard. I’ll prune my vineyard just this last time” (CofC, Jacob 3:25, emphasis added).

To the mortal eye, it appears chaos ensues when the Lamanites attack the city of Ammonihah. When they rebelled against God’s servant they rebelled against God and His law. When they decided to separate themselves from the righteous by killing them and burning their scriptures they pronounced judgment on themselves. There judgment upon the righteous provided sufficient provocation for the Lord to justly do the same to them.

“Then they forced Alma and Amulek to go where they were killing the martyrs, to make them watch the people being killed in the fire. When Amulek saw the pains of the women and children dying in the fire, he was shocked and pained. He said to Alma: How can we watch this awful scene? Let’s stretch out our hands and use God’s power given to us to save them from the flames. But Alma replied: The Spirit restrains me from stretching out my hand. Understand that the Lord receives them up to Himself in glory. He allows them to do this thing — that is, He permits the people to do this to them because of the hardness of their hearts, so that His judgments punishing them in His wrath will be justified and righteous. The blood of the innocent will stand as a witness and testify powerfully against them at the last day. Now Amulek said to Alma: Maybe they’ll burn us too. And Alma replied: If that’s according to the Lord’s will so be it. However, our work isn’t finished; so they won’t burn us” (CofC, Alma 10:7, emphasis added).

In the mind of Amulek, the power of God was never in question. God gave them power and Amulek was prepared to use it to deliver innocent women and children from the fire.

          In response to Amulek’s plea, the more spiritually seasoned Alma felt constrained by the Spirit of God not to exercise God’s power to deliver the martyrs from the fire. To the mortal eye this appears unmerciful and unkind to allow innocent people to forfeit their lives to the hands of wicked men and women. But to one with prior experience passing through the veil, the reward for surrendering their lives was returning to the Lord’s presence “in glory.”

          We would do well to remember this life is a probation for something better. If the mystery of godliness transforms mortals into godly beings, a sacrificial death to become as Christ is required at some time in some cycle of existence. God offered no pardon or exemption for Himself. Why should we be exempt from a similar fate. Recall the Savior’s words to Peter explaining the sacrifice required of the chief disciple.

“ . . . In the name of Father Ahman I tell you, when you were progressing, you dressed yourself, and went where you chose to go; but as you approach the end of the path, you will have to let others stretch out your hands and likewise nail you, even if you plead to have the bitter cup removed. This He said to foretell the sacrificial death that is required for endless glory. And then He added, You must follow after me” (RE T&C 171, Testimony of Saint John 12:18, emphasis added).

For the martyrs of Ammonihah to be received in glory to the Lord’s presence, surrendering their lives was a witness to God of their unwavering devotion and faith. An unimpeachable witness to Him they  accept His will.

Angels do the Work of Gathering

          Angels are the Lord’s method for maintaining balance between fruitful branches and unfruitful. Before discussing the angel’s work of gathering Israel, recall the definition of angels in the glossary.

For he that receives my servants receives me (T&C 82:17). The word “servants” in this context means “angels.” Angel is derived from the Greek word ággelos [ἄγγελος] which means “messenger.” The messenger must bring a message from the Lord. It does not matter if the messenger is mortal. The word describes a category of messenger that includes not only pre-mortal and post-mortal spirits, but also living men. When anyone, man or angel, is entrusted with a message from God, the message is God’s. God makes no distinction between the messenger and Himself . . .” (RE A Glossary of Gospel Terms, Angel, pp. 568-569, emphasis added).

Angels may be “servants” who are pre-mortal, mortal, or post-mortal. Anyone given a message from God qualifies for the title. A key responsibility for mortal men and women is to discern between those who are true messengers from God and those who are not.

          In Part 1 of his podcast on angels, Denver Snuffer explored how angelic “servants” from God do the work of pruning and fertilizing His vineyard.

“ . . . It was intended to be a [family] gathering– I mean that the little seed grows up into the great mustard plant into which the birds (or as Joseph put it, the angels) were intended to come and watch. It was intended to be a super structure for housing contact between the Divine and the mortal. It was intended to be the moment of intersection between all that is in eternity and the life of the mortal. It was intended to be the journey into the Holy of Holies, into the presence of God . . .”

The intersection where mortals meet with angels is the Temple. Angels come and observe mortals and gather from those qualifying to live among angels and eventually, Gods.

“The temple was designed to lead you to the presence of the Lord. The presence of the Lord is intended to bring you to the presence of the Father. And the purpose of bringing you to the presence of the Father is to have you clean every whit. Because when there is a group of people with whom it is possible for the angels to dwell, there will no longer be any reason for angels to stay aloof. There will be no reason for the Lord to delay the bringing of Zion, because the Lord is going to dwell there. One of the definitions of Zion, when you get past having all things in common, is the fact that the Lord will dwell there . . .”

In Part 1 of the War papers, there is a difference between the Book of Mormon, 1 Nephi 14:1 and CofC, 1 Nephi 3:25. The Book of Mormon said the Lord reveals Himself to Gentiles in “word, power, in very deed.” The Covenant of Christ version of the verse changes the last words from “very deed” to “in person.” (RE 1 Nephi 14:1 & CofC 1 Nephi 3:25, emphasis added).

          The change from “very deed” to “in person” provides clarity supporting the last quotation. Zion is populated by a few people for whom it is possible for both angels and mankind to associate and dwell together. It is the place where the Lord’s prayer to the Father is fulfilled:

“Our Father who is in Heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come; your will be done on earth, as it is done in Heaven . . .” (RE Matthew 3:29, emphasis added).

When mortal men engage in doing the Lord’s will on Earth as it is in Heaven, the angels say of Zions inhabitants what was said in the Heavenly Council when the Lord presented one couple to them for consideration:

“He is complete, having a wife whom he loves and who loves him. They are as one of us and their company would be well suited to mingle with our company.” (Snuffer, Denver C.. Ten Parables (p. 94, emphasis added).   Kindle Edition).

The qualification for dwelling in Zion is found in the relationship between righteous husbands and wives. That is the order of Heaven and condition required for residence in Zion. When a small number of people achieve that objective, the Spirit of Elijah opens the portal between the Earth and Heaven and the Patriarchal Father’s take up residence with heirs of the promises given them by the Father.

          We cannot be prepared for the Savior’s return until they [Patriarchal Fathers] take up residence with us, preparing us for the arrival of Christ. When those preparations are complete, the Lord takes up residence in Zion.

          Our diligence in studying the word of God prepares us through obedience to God’s commandments and repentance. The knowledge gained in that process teaches us to seek righteousness and our righteousness leads to an endowment of power through an association with the Powers of Heaven, our Patriarchal Fathers. When preparation is complete, the Lord comes down to dwell in our midst. That is when the “in person” portion of the verse is fulfilled.

“If you have read the tenth parable (Ten Parables, Denver C. Snuffer), the thing which caused the stirring to begin was the notice the angels took that here on the ground, on the earth, there was something that looked like Heaven. There was a man and a woman whose experience and circumstances mirrored the same kind of thing that the angels who were watching recognized from where they come from. And they went, and they got the Lord, and the Lord came, and He evaluated, and He said, “We’re going to save this one. Here’s the to-do list. Now get busy…”

Getting Busy-The Wedding Garment

          Continuing with Angels Part 1:

“Begin at verse 8 of chapter 22: “Then saith he to his servants [Angels], The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy [first Israel, then the Gentiles. Then the Gentiles are first].” The parable starts with the Lord (who’s trying to get people to come to the wedding [Zion]) telling the servants [Angels], “The wedding is ready, but those that I’ve asked [offer of covenant] are not worthy.” “Go into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid [them] to the marriage. So those servants [Angels] went out into the highways….” Always the servants, always angels do this work– they do the gathering[1] “…and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding [Zion] was furnished with guests. And when the king came[2] in to see the guests, he saw there was a man which had not a wedding garment: …saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless. [3] Then said the king, Bind him hand and foot, take him away, cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping, [wailing], gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 22:8-13) . . .”

Obtaining the Wedding Garment

          Returning to Angels Part 1:

“So I want to put that on the table. Because in this part of this parable, you have anyone who will come being invited, because the people who were targeted for attendance simply aren’t worthy to come. So anyone gets to come [extended an invitation, offer of covenant]. And now you have among them someone who doesn’t have on a wedding garment. And for that I want to refer you to Luke chapter 15, because in Luke chapter 15, we run into the Lord talking about a robe being supplied. This the son [unfit, unworthy] who found himself having been in a far-off land, filling his belly “…with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him.” He comes to himself [repentance], says, “How many hired servants of my father’s have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!” So when he goes back to see his father, look at what happens in verse 22 of Luke chapter 15: “But the father said to his servants….” Again, it’s the angels that do this [gather all types, sinners and saints], “Bring forth the best robe [4], and [servants, Angels] put it on him; put a ring on his hand [covenant], and shoes on his feet….”

The Father of the wayward son joyfully receives His son who “comes to himself” like the beggar extending the right hand in cupping shape acknowledging his reliance on the mercy and compassion of the Father. The son, having spent his inheritance in slothful, self-indulging living comes to his Father with a broken heart seeking only a subsistence existence. In response to the son’s humility and submission, the Father instructs His servants [Angels] to clothe the son in the garment provided by the Father, provide a ring as a symbol of covenant and shoes to cover the son’s unholy feet so they may stand on sacred ground before the Lord at the wedding.

          To the sinner who comes to the wedding unprepared without proper attire, the Savior makes them whole if they come to Him with a broken heart and contrite spirit. The scriptures are replete with examples of the Lord healing those who come to him after they’ve “come to themselves.”

          The Lord admonishes Israel’s leaders in Isaiah who have “unclean lips” to prepare for His presence:     

“Your hands are full of blood. Wash yourself, make yourself clean; put away the evil of your doings from before my eyes. Cease to do evil, learn to do well. Seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. Come now and let us reason together, says the Lord. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land, but if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured with the sword; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it” (RE Isaiah 1:3, emphasis added).

This plea from the Lord was a warning to Israel’s leaders. The Lord has witnessed blood on their hands because of errant leadership. After chastening them for their sins, the Lord commands them to wash themselves and become clean in the blood of the Lamb, Christ. After encouraging them to seek righteousness, the Lord calls them to come to Him and let Him reason with them. Though the blood on their hands has turned their hands scarlet red, He assures them it is within His capacity to make their hands white as snow or wool. If they willingly accept His chastening hand humbly and submissively, their willingness and obedience allows them to “eat from the good of the land.” To rebel and disobey brings destruction by the sword. A surgical death presumably only targeting them.

          Isaiah who sees the Lord and heeds His admonition, is cleansed in a matter of minutes, if not seconds. The length of time is influenced by the depth of sinful behavior, possibly. Alma the younger needed three days and nights to achieve what Isaiah did in moments. But Alma also sought to destroy the church of God, a more grievous act of rebellion than Isaiah.

“In the year that king Uzziah died, I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple . . . Then said I, Woe is me, for I am undone because I am a man of unclean lips [Isaiah “comes to himself”], and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts. Then flew one of the seraphim [An Angel, or servant on the highest level of Jacob’s ladder, the “Powers of Heaven”] unto me, having a live coal in his hand [5], which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar. And he laid it upon my mouth and said, Behold, this has touched your lips, and your iniquity is taken away, and your sin purged. Also, I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? [the Lord said to His servants or Angels] Then said I, Here am I; send me [Once cleansed, Isaiah’s lips are no longer unclean [Isaiah speaks with the tongue of Angels], having been prepared by the Seraphim [Angel, servant] through the power of Christ to now be a pure vessel to assist the members of the Heavenly Council]. . .” (RE Isaiah 2:1-2, emphasis added).

The cleansing ordinance performed by the Seraphim illustrates the Doctrine of Christ contained in the Covenant of Christ. When Isaiah completes the ordinance and is cleansed, he is now a worthy vessel to bear the Lord’s message.

“You see, this I think has to be kept in mind– whenever you’re looking at someone who has arrived at the feast, bidden from the highway, who arrives and doesn’t have on the robe, the Master is the one that wants you to wear it. The Master is one that will furnish it [Atonement of Christ]. Don’t think that the purpose of the Lord is to judge. The purpose of the Lord is to redeem, and for that purpose, He is infinitely patient and willing, if you will respond, with forgiveness of your sins, as He does consistently throughout the Book of Mormon.

There is this net that has been cast out to gather together all manner of fish. But as the Lord tells the parable, the angels are going to come, and they’re going to pick through all manner of fish, and they’re going to keep the good, and the rest are going to be scheduled for burning [Zenos allegory of the Olive Tree being plucked] (Matthew 13: 47-50). And so the question is, how diligent ought the search be into the things of God? How carefully ought we to consider the things that have been restored to us through the Prophet Joseph Smith? Well, they who come [Enoch and his entourage of Patriarchal Fathers] will burn up those who are unprepared [have not be cleansed and clothed in “robes of righteousness” and given power to “quench the violence of fire]. And therefore, what should we be doing in order to make sure that we are included among those who are prepared? . . .”

Preparation for Gathering

“And there is no reason to expect that you can take people and gather them and then try to produce Zion. It makes a whole lot more sense, as the scriptures seem to indicate, that first, people are taught repentance. And then some few repent. Then they are gathered– one of a city, two of a family. Then they are gathered, and they are gathered by those who are the angels [both mortal and immortal Angels] to whom the keys are entrusted to do that gathering [they are identified in scripture]. Then you put them together” (Angels-Part 1 podcast, Denver Snuffer Jr., May 20, 2018).

When we are introduced to the glory, majesty and purity of the Savior we are cowed by our imperfections. It will be so until we are dressed in the “robes of righteousness” covering our sins. The robe covering our sins is provided by the Savior’s Atonement. His suffering in Gethsemane satisfied demands of justice. Without His sacrifice there is no redemption, no restoration to God’s presence and resurrection from the dead.

          We are the “clean up on aisle three” that must be in a perpetual cleansing process through many cycles. Before we may be clothed in “robes of righteousness” we must cloth ourselves in under garments of repentance, righteous desires, good intentions, and mercy by forgiving others. The Savior referred to this condition as “A broken heart and contrite spirit.”

“All you that have been spared because you were more righteous than they were [implied surgical destruction], will you return to Me now and repent of your sins and be converted, so I can heal youI promise you: If you come to Me, you will have eternal life. My arm of mercy is reaching for you. Anyone who comes to Me, I’ll receive them; those who come to Me will be blessed. I Am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I created the heavens, the earth, and everything that’s in them. I was with the Father since the beginning. I Am in the Father and the Father in Me; and the Father has glorified His name in Me. I came to My own, and My own rejected Me; and the scriptures promising My coming are fulfilled. I’ve given power to all those who have received Me, to become sons and daughters of God. Likewise, I’ll give power to all those who believe in My name. Because redemption comes through Me, and the Law of Moses has been concluded by Me. I Am the light and the life of the world. I Am first and last, the beginning and the end. You must no longer shed blood as an offering to Me; indeed, your sacrifices and burnt offerings must end now, because I’ll no longer accept any of your sacrifices or burnt offerings. You must offer Me a broken heart and a contrite spirit as a sacrifice. Whoever comes to Me with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, I’ll baptize them with fire and the Holy Ghost, just like the Lamanites were baptized with fire and the Holy Ghost because of their faith in Me at the time of their conversion, and yet they didn’t understand what it was. I’ve come into the world to bring redemption to the world, to save the world from sin. Therefore whoever repents and comes to Me as a little child, I will receive them, because God’s kingdom is made up of people like this [to reside in His kingdom we have to be transformed]. I’ve given My life for such people, and I’ve taken it up again. Therefore repent and come to Me, everyone throughout the world, and be saved” (CofC, 3 Nephi 4:7, emphasis added).

Everyone familiar with scripture must anticipate dark times prior to the Savior’s coming. Not in fear or trepidation, but in faith. The Savior said to the Nephites, the reason they were preserved in the great destruction prior to His coming was because of their righteousness [not perfection]. The greatest preparation for war is to press forward in faith in whatever circumstance we may find ourselves. Repent, have righteous desires and good intentions. Be willing to bear one another’s burdens as well as indignities of betrayal. Especially from those closest to us. No matter our mortal outcome, the Lord offers to us Eternal life if we are faithful.


[1] “The hearts of the children of men will have to be turned to the fathers, and the fathers to the children, living or dead, to prepare them for the coming of the Son of Man. If Elijah did not come, the whole earth would be smitten. There will be here and there a Stake [of Zion] for the gathering of the Saints. Some may have cried peace, but the Saints and the world will have little peace from henceforth. Let this not hinder us from going to the Stakes; for God has told us to flee, not dallying, or we shall be scattered, one here, and another there. There your children shall be blessed, and you in the midst of friends where you may be blessed. The Gospel net [Angels] gathers of every kind. I prophesy, that that man who tarries after he has an opportunity of going, will be afflicted by the devil. Wars are at hand; we must not delay; but are not required to sacrifice. We ought to have the building up of Zion as our greatest object. When wars come, we shall have to flee to Zion. The cry is to make haste. The last revelation says, Ye shall not have time to have gone over the earth, until these things come. It will come as did the cholera, war, fires, and earthquakes; one pestilence after another, until the Ancient of Days comes, then judgment will be given to the Saints” (Smith Jr., Joseph. Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith (pp. 180-181). Deseret Book Company. Kindle Edition.

[2] “My dear people, remember how awful it is to transgress against that holy God and how awful it is to yield to the temptations of that crafty one. Remember, to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life eternal. My dear people, listen carefully to my words and remember the greatness of the Holy One of Israel. Don’t claim I’ve spoken harshly against you. Because if you do, you’ll reject the truth, since I’ve spoken your Maker’s words. I know the truth is blunt about all uncleanliness, but the righteous aren’t afraid of it, because they love the truth and aren’t shaken. Then, my dear people, come to the Lord, the Holy One. Remember that His paths are righteousness. The way for man is narrow, but it lies in a straight course before him. And the gatekeeper is the Holy One of Israel, and He doesn’t use any servant [Angel] there. There’s no other way except through the gate, and He can’t be deceived since His name is the Lord GodHe’ll open to whoever knocks. And the worldly, the educated, and those who are rich, who are inflated with pride because of their knowledge, education, and wealth — they’re the ones He looks down upon. And unless they abandon these things and consider themselves fools before God, and come down in the depths of humility, He won’t allow them through the gate. Real wisdom [Heavenly Mother] and real understanding will be hidden from them forever, and shared only with the holy ones to give them joy” (CofC, 2 Nephi 6:11, emphasis added).

[3] “Now, my dear people, I believe you’re wondering a little in your hearts about what you should do after you’ve entered through the way. But why do you wonder over these things in your hearts? Don’t you remember I told you that after you had received the Holy Ghost, you could speak the words of angels? Now, how could you speak the message of the angels unless you did it by the Holy GhostAngels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; as a result, they speak Christ’s words. Therefore I told you: Feast on Christ’s words — because the words of Christ will tell you everything that you should do. After I’ve said these words, if you can’t understand them, it will be because you don’t ask or knock. Consequently, you aren’t brought into the light but are certain to perish in the dark. I tell you again, if you will enter through the way and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show you everything you should doThis is Christ’s doctrine. No more doctrine will be given until after He visits you here on earth. Once He shows Himself to you here on earth, you must obey what He tells you” (CofC, 2 Nephi 14:1, emphasis added).

[4] Someone writing who received a “robe of righteousness,” the “best robe” anyone can receive.

“Then, if I’ve seen such great things, if the Lord — who descends from His high position to help mankind — if He has visited me with so much mercy, then why does my heart weep and my soul linger in the valley of sorrow, why does my body cower and my strength fail me because of my difficulties? Why should I ever submit to temptations because of weaknesses? Why should I let any temptation by the Evil One have a place in my heart to cause me regret and trouble my soul? Why am I angry with myself because of my enemy? Wake up, my soul! Don’t focus on sin any longer! Rejoice, my heart; don’t give any attention to the enemy of my soul anymore. Don’t get angry because of my enemies. Don’t lose resolve to obey God because I face troubles. Rejoice, my heart; pray to the Lord, saying: O Lord, I’ll praise you forever. My soul will rejoice in you, my God and the rock of my salvation. O Lord, redeem my soul! Rescue me from my enemies! Make me shudder when sin appears! May the gates of hell always be shut in front of me because my heart is broken and my spirit contrite. O Lord, don’t shut the gates of your righteousness in front of me, let me walk in Your pathway and stay on Your safe road. O Lord, cover me in the robe of Your righteousness, help me to escape from my enemies, clear the path in front of me! Don’t let any obstacle hinder me, but clear the way in front of me so I can go on safely, and hinder my enemy. O Lord, I’ve trusted in You and will trust in You forever. I won’t put my trust in the scholarly arrogance of man, because I know those who trust in arrogant fools are cursed. Indeed, those who put their trust in the vain teachings of a man and trust them as if they were truth are cursed. Yes, I know God will give freely and abundantly to those who ask; yes, God will give to me if I don’t ask improperly. Therefore I’ll lift up my voice to You; yes, I’ll cry to You, my God, the rock of my righteousness. I’ll never stop calling out to You, my rock and my everlasting God. Amen” CofC, 2 Nephi 3:8, emphasis added).

[5] “Now Melchizedek was a man of faith who wrought righteousness. And when a child, he feared God, and stopped the mouths of lions, and quenched the violence of fire . . .” Melchizedek demonstrated that those who join the order of the Son of God or Enoch are given power to quench the violence of fire, which is why the Seraphim removed a hot coal with tongs and placed it in his hand to cleanse Isaiah by touching it to Isaiah’s lips.

Scott Roderick


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