This series of papers examines the war chapters in the Covenant of Christ to understand how restated content in modern English in the Covenant of Christ is both a wonderful blessing and grave responsibility for all Gentiles. It represents the Lord’s offer of covenant is expiring for the Gentiles as well. Sources quoted are credible but the commentary is my own opinion and presented are for your consideration. The hope is to present substantive content with the caution it is your responsibility to weigh the subject matter, drawing your own conclusions. It is not my intent to recruit or persuade anyone to adopt my perspective, only to present content based on my assessment.
Recent Comments from Denver Snuffer Regarding the Covenant of Christ and the War Chapters
“The war chapters that seemed so random before are now aimed directly at us. We are now shown how selective and precise the destruction of the wicked has occurred in the people on this land who ripened in iniquity and failed to heed the God of this land. The text is now ours. To either heed or reject. To parse into segments that ignore the direct and threatening warning sharpened in the restatement in modern English, or to give heed and realize the Lord will “in His wrath” do again what has happened before on this land” [warning #1] (Discussing the Covenant of Christ, Denver Snuffer, emphasis added, November 24, 2024).
“The text is not just focused, but it was tightly composed to deliver a very specific warning to the present generation. [warning #2]
The “war chapters” which seemed almost superfluous before, are a clearly integral part of the prophecy. All of the destruction included in the narrative are to illustrate how destruction awaits us if we fail to worship the God of this land, who is Jesus Christ. [warning #3]
The Lord sent Alma to Ammonihah to preach repentance. The people not only rejected his message, but they also then killed his converts and burned the believers’ scriptures. Shortly afterward, they were destroyed. [type for the latter-days, warning #4] “Lamanite armies entered the outskirts of the land from the wilderness side, coming right into the city of Ammonihah, where they began to kill the people and destroy the city. Before the Nephites could raise an adequate army to drive them from the land, they had killed the people in the city of Ammonihah, as well as some in the outskirts of Noah, taking others as prisoners and left into the wilderness.” Alma 11:1-2. Their destruction was surgical. The attack was focused, limited, and resulted in only the loss of Ammonihah. [warning #5] Other cities visited by Alma and in which there were believing converts were spared.
The account of Ammonihah is included in the text, like all the other accounts of violence, death, enslavement and deliverance, to warn us by the example of what the Lord has done before. We are foolish to ignore the plain message to us in Covenant of Christ. [warning #6]
The death cult now meeting in Chicago continues their war against children, encouraging the slaughter of the unborn. To interfere with God’s plan for mankind to bear children to replenish the earth, they offer free vasectomies and abortions during their national celebration of the power to destroy life. Interestingly, their convention’s first day repeatedly celebrated and encouraged killing unborn children as part of their appeal for continuing political power. They believe the voice of the people will sustain this continuing slaughter by voting to elect their death cult into office. [still want that job in Chicago or any other city or state supporting abortion?]
Amulek was a resident of Ammonihah, and prior to Alma’s return to the city he was selected by an angel to help Alma. Amulek described his call to support Alma: “The angel told me: He is a holy man. I know he’s a holy man because God’s angel said it. I also know the things he’s testified about are true. I tell you as the Lord lives, He absolutely sent His angel to reveal this to me, and He’s blessed my house while this man named Alma has been there. Indeed, God has blessed my household: me, the women of my family, my children, my father, and my relatives.” Alma 8:3.
Amulek acknowledged the Lord’s blessing on his own father and family. But despite this, when he left Ammonihah, “Amulek left behind all his gold, silver, and valuables in Ammonihah for God’s word, and was rejected by those who were once his friends, as well as by his father and family.” Id., 10:16. Those members of his family whom the Lord blessed still rejected the invitation to repent. They would be included in those destroyed in Chapter 11.
Although the Book of Mormon has been available for nearly two centuries, converting it into modern English makes this generation directly accountable for its warning. [warning #7] You do not need to have any ability to parse middle English from the time of Shakespeare, nor to have any familiarity with King James era language. Its message is a warning to you, today” [warning #8] (Discuss Covenant of Christ Part 7, Denver Snuffer Jr., August 20, 2024).
“The hope is that LDS, Fundamentalists, Community of Christ, and others who study the Book of Mormon will welcome this new version and consider benefitting from the content. The text was originally prepared by the authors to come forward for this generation. And events now happening are discussed in the book’s prophecies. [types for our times] Therefore, it is important for people living today to learn the wisdom, warnings, guidance and testimony provided by writers who were inspired by Jesus Christ for our benefit. [warning #9]
We have a political season underway in the United States at this moment. The divided political camps are both making the same plea to the public. Both claim that the “other party” is evil, not to be trusted, lying and dangerous. It doesn’t matter which side you hear, the message is the same, only the identities are switched.
Listen to the description of the “other party” that airs nightly on Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, Daily Wire, Newsmax, Washington Post, New York Times, and even the Wall Street Journal. Go to any other news source and compare messages. The messaging is to fear and distrust the rival political party and those who will vote contrary to the viewpoint being advocated.
The ultimate objective of the messaging is exposed in Covenant of Christ. When the leader of one faction wanted to violently overthrow his opponent, it required him to dehumanize his target, and stir up anger to motivate violence: “As soon as Amalickiah obtained the kingdom he began to manipulate the Lamanites against the Nephites. Indeed, he appointed men to speak to the Lamanites from their towers accusing the Nephites. [warning #10] In this way, he influenced them against the Nephites, so that in the latter end of the 19th year of the judges’ rule, having carried out his scheme to that point, having been made king over the Lamanites, he also made it his aim to rule over the entire land, and all the people who lived there, the Nephites as well as the Lamanites [this is a type for a dictator who rises to power by stratagem and achieves his goals by those means]. So he had advanced his plan, since he had hardened the Lamanites’ hearts and blinded their minds and stirred them up to anger, so much so that he collected a large army willing to attack the Nephites.” [warning #11] Alma 21:31. It was the tools he used that are being used again today to manipulate the public and motivate violence: “Amalickiah had, in this way, been obtaining power by fraud and deceit[.]” Id, 32.
Bloomberg News today said the United States is now the third-most likely nation to experience widespread civil violence next year. If angry political voices are able to stir up the public for a long enough time, there will be resulting violence.
It has been the trajectory of two prior civilizations that occupied the Americas to disintegrate into violence and upheaval when they abandoned worship of the God of this land: Jesus Christ. The purpose of Covenant of Christ is to forewarn this generation about that destiny awaiting us, if we follow that same path [warning #12].
We still have time to repent and return to following the Lord. These posts are to persuade everyone who is willing to read Covenant of Christ and consider just how relevant the warnings in that book are for where we find ourselves right now [warning #13]” (Discussing Covenant of Christ, Part 2, Denver Snuffer Jr., August 15, 2024).
“Covenant of Christ was meant specifically as a warning to us [warning #14]. Now. And we need to understand the text. As Jesus Christ forewarns us about this very moment we live in: “Yes, woe to the Gentiles unless they repent: For when that day comes, says the Father, I’ll take away your strength from you, and I’ll destroy your security. Your cities will fall and I’ll break open your guarded borders. Your sciences and learning will turn into foolishness, and your false beliefs will cause your failure. I’ll expose the fraud of those in authority, and your trusted institutions will lose everyone’s loyalty.” 3 Ne. 9:12. This is now underway. We need to awaken and see how the Covenant of Christ is aimed directly at us, to awaken us to our present plight, the justified condemnation we are under, and coming judgments [warning #15].
The Lord’s clarifications throughout the new text are all intended to address us where we are today [warning #16]” (Discussing Covenant of Christ, Denver Snuffer Jr., August 14, 2024).
“I made thousands of changes to the text in order to render it in the final form. I believe that all of the changes were attributable to the Lord and is specifically for the reason He stated to me on the Winter Solstice: “But this has a different purpose. This is to help a new generation to understand the content to help with the Lord’s return.” It has been a rework under Divine direction to accomplish that purpose. All of the restatements of the text are designed to sharpen the reader’s focus on those things most important for preparing a generation for the Lord’s return. Therefore I recognize that the text speaks a message now that was out of focus in the earlier text and therefore greatly sharpens the warning to us. The war chapters that seemed so random before are now aimed directly at us. We are now shown how selective and precise the destruction of the wicked has occurred in the people on this land who ripened in iniquity and failed to heed the God of this land [warning #17].
The text is now ours. To either heed or reject. To parse into segments that ignore the direct and threatening warning sharpened in the restatement in modern English, or to give heed and realize the Lord will “in His wrath” do again what has happened before on this land [warning #18].
This is a work that belongs to the Lord, because as He has stated: “There is as much Divine attention and assistance in getting this new version completed as before.”
I would never dare to make any change to anything the Lord has provided to us as scripture. It would take such gall and foolishness that I could not consider it. But, inasmuch as the Lord had condescended to speak with me, I will obey and do as He directs. And I will also confirm and testify the Lord has stated to me, and I have faithfully recorded His word that: “I labored alongside you in this work. My word is truth. My word is spirit. As you worked with the text I gave you my word and it is to be kept as it was given. My word carries with it the power of truth, and you are not called to alter it, but are to defend it. As you have considered comments from others you have feared man more than me. The corruption of scripture has been caused by men fearing others and failing to heed my word. You were told to update the language, and that included restating my doctrine, sacrament and baptismal prayers but you hesitated and needed to be commanded to do so. Let your work of updating the language now end with the words I have given you” (Covenant of Christ Text, Denver Snuffer Jr., August 12, 2024).
There is a clear and resounding message of warning given to us by the Lord through the Covenant of Christ and His servant.
The Greatly Sharpened Warning for Us
The Book of Mormon text from Joseph Smith was the springboard for the Lord’s first offer of covenant to latter-day Gentiles. It marked the beginning of a new dispensation and a new witness for Christ. Following Joseph Smith’s passing, restoration was replaced with entropy due to the absence of continuous revelation. This conclusion is substantiated by the cessation of revelation to what should have been an expanding body of scripture. Left with a new volume of scripture written in an archaic but familiar language, the Gentiles labored under less than ideal circumstances. The Smith brothers were faithful stewards, but those who followed after their passing were blind guides.
The Lord offers His covenant again to descendants of the original Restoration movement and all Gentiles who heed His call.
“For the first time since Joseph and Hyrum died, there is actual progress now being made. Instead of the atrophy of three and four generations merely marking time, we now see new life begun.” (Things Now Underway, Denver Snuffer Jr., blogpost, December 25, 2014, emphasis added).
Joseph Smith Jr. opened the door to the original Gentile Restoration which closed shortly thereafter. Progress is being made as evidenced by a body of expanding scripture harmonizing scriptures preceding new revelation.
“Therefore your offspring will write, and Judah’s offspring will write. The Lord says: The things your offspring write, and the things Judah’s offspring write, will grow together in order to expose false doctrines, settle disputes, and establish peace among your offspring and bring them, in the last days, to understanding their ancestors and comprehending My covenants. The Lord said: His [Joseph Smith’s] weakness will be made strong. My work will then begin [when Joseph Smith is strengthened] among all My people. I’ll restore you, O house of Israel” (CofC, 2 Nephi 2:4, emphasis added).
The original Restoration by Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon as initially constituted by him did not fulfill this prophecy. The prophecy remains unfulfilled but is progressing to completion now. The prospect of progress being made in modern times should be met with cautious optimism but also deep resolve not to repeat past mistakes. Progress is a double edged sword for the Gentiles. The Lord’s offer of covenant draws to a close for them as the new dawn for Israel arises.
Nephi witnessed these events and records his observations of our time for our time.
“If the Gentiles then obey the Lamb of God, He’ll reveal Himself to them in word and power and in person, in order to remove barriers to their belief, and if they don’t harden their hearts against the Lamb of God, they’ll be included with your father’s descendants — indeed, they’ll be included as part of the house of Israel. And they’ll become a blessed family in the promised land forever. They [Gentiles] won’t be enslaved anymore, and the house of Israel won’t be embarrassed anymore. And the great pit dug for them by that utterly wicked church, which the accuser and his followers founded so that he could take people’s souls down to hell — that great pit dug for people’s destruction will be filled with those who dug it, to their complete destruction, says the Lamb of God — not the destruction of the soul, but throwing it into that endless hell. This is according to the accuser’s imprisonment, and according to God’s justice as well, upon all those who insist on doing wicked and corrupt things in God’s sight.
Then the Angel told me: You’ve seen that if the Gentiles repent, it will turn out well for them. You also know about the Lord’s covenants with the house of Israel. And you’ve also heard that whoever doesn’t repent must perish. As a result, if the Gentiles harden their hearts against the Lamb of God, I will afflict them. Because the time will come, says the Lamb of God, when I’ll bring about a great and awe-inspiring work among mankind, one that will be everlasting — one way or the other — either to convince them, resulting in peace and life eternal; or to give them up to their hard hearts and blind minds, bringing about their slavery and temporal and spiritual destruction, under the accuser’s enslavement which I’ve spoken about” (CofC, 1 Nephi 3:25-31, emphasis added).
A proverbial “line in the sand” is drawn by the Lord in the form of a “great and awe-inspiring work.” When the Lord carries out His “awe-inspiring” work it reveals the Lord to the Gentiles in “word, power, and in person.” The terms used by the angel in speaking to Nephi are not a collective occurrence but a statement of progressive ascension. The Aaronic preparation or Spirit of Elias delivers words [scripture] to the Gentiles first [Bible and Book of Mormon]. When additional words are delivered to the Gentiles, they fulfill the prophecy of Joseph of Egypt stating their words “grow together” to:
“. . . confound false doctrines, establish peace among the fruit of Joseph of Egypt’s loins, bring them to a knowledge of their [Patriarchal] Fathers, and knowledge of Lord’s covenants with the Fathers” (CofC, 2 Nephi 2:4)
The awe-inspiring work the Lord performs among the Gentiles will “convince” Gentiles, descendants of Lehi and Israel they must come to Christ:
“Then the Angel of the Lord told me: The Lamb of God says: After I’ve judged the remnant of the house of Israel (referring to your father’s [Lehi’s] descendants), after punishing them using the Gentiles, I’ll show mercy to the Gentiles. They’ll make a great many mistakes because of the extremely clear and valuable parts of the Lamb’s gospel that have been removed by that utterly wicked church, which is the mother of harlots. But by My power I’ll bring to light for them more of My gospel, which will be clear and very valuable, says the Lamb. Indeed, says the Lamb, I’ll personally appear to your descendants so they are able to write many things that I’ll provide to them, which will be plain and very valuable. After your descendants are destroyed and fall away in unbelief, along with your brothers’ descendants, these writings will be hidden and protected, to later be delivered to the Gentiles by the gift and power of the Lamb. My gospel will be written in them, says the Lamb — My rock and My salvation. I’ll bless those who then want to bring about My Zion [repentant Gentiles]; they’ll have the gift and power of the Holy Ghost. And if they continue faithful to the end, they’ll be raised up on the last day and saved in the everlasting kingdom of the Lamb. Therefore, any who proclaim peace, the joyful news, how beautiful shall be their presence upon the mountains [Isaiah’s metaphor for nations]!
Then I saw my brothers’ descendants and the book of the Lamb of God, which had come from the Jews, and that it came from the Gentiles to my brothers’ descendants. After it had come to them, I saw other books that came by the Lamb’s power from the Gentiles to them — these convinced the Gentiles and my brothers’ descendants, and also the Jews [Israel] who were scattered throughout the earth, that the records of the prophets and the Lamb’s Twelve witnesses are true. Then the Angel told me: The last records that you’ve seen among the Gentiles will confirm the truth of the first ones — which come from the Lamb’s Twelve witnesses — and will reveal the clear and valuable things which have been removed from them and reveal to all people of every tribe and language that the Lamb of God is the Son of the Eternal Father and Savior of the world and that all people must come to Him or they cannot be saved. And according to the words of the Lamb they must come to Him. And the Lamb’s words will be revealed in the records of your descendants as well as in the records of the Lamb’s Twelve witnesses. So they’ll both be witnesses together, because there’s one God and one Shepherd over the whole earth. At a future time, He’ll reveal Himself to all nations, both to the Jews and to the Gentiles. And after He has revealed Himself to the Jews and to the Gentiles, He’ll then appear to the Gentiles and to the Jews. The last will be first and the first will be last” (CofC, 1 Nephi 3:23-24, emphasis added).
After the records of the Jews and descendants of Joseph combine, “other books” or “last records” confirm the truth of the first and “reveal the clear and valuable things which have been removed from them” or the first records of Joseph and Judah. They testify Jesus is the “Lamb of God,” “Son of the Eternal Father,” the “Savior of the world.” And that all people must come to Him or not be saved.
The Gentiles, descendants of Nephi’s brothers, and Israel are all convinced by the “other books” and the “other books” fulfill Joseph of Egypt’s prophecy. The knowledge contained in the other books expose and refute false doctrine and bring about the destruction of the “whore of all the earth.”
Power Given to the Righteous to Destroy the Whore of the Earth with Truth
The Lord does not act as the aggressor against the whore of all the Earth. He awaits their misconduct to provoke His response which is fierce. They gather to “fight against the Lamb of God” and their attack upon Him and His people initiates the response to the provocation.
“Then I looked and saw the whore of the whole earth. She was spread everywhere across the seas, ruling over the whole earth, among all people of every nation, tribe, and language. And I saw the congregation of the Lamb of God [repentant Gentiles]; its numbers were few because of the wickedness and abominations of the whore who was spread everywhere across the seas. Nevertheless, I saw that the congregation of the Lamb, who were God’s holy ones, were also there throughout the earth; but their presence was small because of the wickedness of the great whore whom I saw. And I saw the great mother of abominations assembled in large numbers all over the earth among all Gentile nations to fight against the Lamb of God . . .” (CofC, 1 Nephi 3:28, emphasis added).
The Lord responds to the challenge from the whore of the earth by empowering two groups, the Lord’s congregation of “holy ones” [repentant Gentiles] and scattered Israel.
“Then I saw the power of the Lamb of God [Spirit of Elijah] descend upon the holy ones of the Lamb’s congregation and upon the Lord’s covenant people, who were scattered across the earth [Israel]. They were armed with righteousness and God’s power in great glory” (CofC, 1 Nephi 3:28)
The power of the Lamb of God descending from Heaven upon the “holy ones” requires some parsing to discern events described in this passage.
Holy one’s being ministered to suggests Angels descend from Heaven to teach and direct righteous men and women or “holy ones” in carrying out the work of the Father’s covenants. Fulfilling promises made to the Patriarchal Fathers, many of whom are Angels ministering to mortal “holy ones.”
“And because He’s done this, my dear people, have miracles stopped? I tell you: No. And neither have angels stopped ministering to mankind. They [Angels] are obedient to Him [Christ], to minister according to His commands, revealing themselves to those of strong faith and of a firm mind in every form of godliness. The responsibility of their ministry is to call people to repentance, and to fulfill and do the work of the Father’s covenants that He’s made to mankind, to prepare the way among people by declaring Christ’s word to the Lord’s chosen vessels, so they can bear testimony of Him. And by doing this, the Lord God prepares the way for the remainder of mankind to have faith in Christ, so the Holy Ghost can have a place in their hearts according to the power of the Holy Ghost. This is how the Father vindicates the covenants He’s made to mankind . . .” (CofC, Moroni 7:6, emphasis added).
Angels ministering to mortal “holy ones” attain the title of “Powers of Heaven,” because they received promises from the Father that are inherited by their posterity to whom the “holy ones” minister. A Glossary of Gospel Terms defines “Powers of Heaven” as the following:
“A title referring to a specific group with status on the other side of the veil; a proper noun, not just an abstraction. In the afterlife there are different rungs on Jacob’s ladder where different Powers are fixed: Angel, Archangel, Principality, Power, Dominion, Throne, Cherubim, and Seraphim — they may all be called Powers of Heaven. These Powers have no desire to control or compel others to rise on Jacob’s ladder. Each rung is a developmental stage of growth through which all must pass if they want to ascend nearer to God. Each individual on Jacob’s ladder should be moving toward perfection” (A Glossary of Gospel Terms, Powers of Heaven, p.755, emphasis added).
The Patriarchal Fathers qualifying to be known under these titles are men in mortality who obtained promises from the Father for themselves and their posterity. The “holy ones” who reside in mortality are ministered to by them and are “those of strong faith and of a firm mind in every form of godliness.” They are righteous men who are trusted to wield the power of God in accordance with His will.
The Patriarchal Fathers received power from Heaven when mortal and wield that power on behalf of those seeking to save their posterity on Earth. Some of the powers given the Father’s are described in RE Genesis.
“For God, having sworn unto Enoch and unto his seed with an oath by himself that everyone being ordained after this Order and calling should have power, by faith, to break mountains, to divide the seas, to dry up waters, to turn them out of their course, to put at defiance the armies of nations, to divide the earth, to break every band, to stand in the presence of God, to do all things according to his will, according to his command subdue principalities and powers; and this by the will of the Son of God which was from before the foundation of the world. And men having this faith, coming up unto this Order of God, were translated and taken up into Heaven” (RE Genesis 7:17-21, emphasis added).
Four Angels bearing responsibility over the four quarters of Earth to execute the work of fulfilling the Father’s covenants with men were shown to John the Revelator and explained by the Lord to Joseph Smith.
“Question: What are we to understand by the four angels spoken of by John, 7th chapter and 1st verse of Revelation [Rev. 2:13]?Answer: We are to understand that they are four angels [Patriarchal Fathers] sent forth from God, to whom is given power over the four parts of the earth, to save life and to destroy. These are they who have the everlasting gospel to commit to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, having power to shut up the heavens, to seal up unto life, or to cast down to the regions of darkness” (RE T&C 74:8, emphasis added).
The Lord’s power wielded by the Patriarchal Father’s can only be used upon the principles of righteousness. Righteousness begets righteousness.
“Behold, there are many called, but few are chosen, and why are they not chosen? Because their hearts are set so much upon the things of this world, and aspire to the honors of men, that they do not learn this one lesson — that the rights of the Priesthood are inseparably connected with the Powers of Heaven and that the Powers of Heaven [Angels, Patriarchal Fathers] cannot be controlled nor handled, only upon the principles of righteousness . . .” (RE T&C 139:5, emphasis added).
The “holy ones” among the Lord’s congregation and among the scattered of Israel are empowered by Patriarchal Fathers because they learn the “one lesson” in mortality. They can be endowed with power from on high because they are themselves, righteous. They are trusted by God to act on His behalf. That is why the “holy ones” among the two groups are empowered to stand against overwhelming forces of evil marshalled against them to war against the Lamb of God. It is also the reason the Lord’s adversaries are soundly defeated by a much smaller, seemingly less formidable group of holy men and women.
“And I saw that God’s wrath was poured out upon that wealthy and utterly wicked church, so that wars and reports of wars arose among the nations and tribes of the earth. As these wars and reports of wars arose among the nations that followed the mother of abominations,
witness to all these things. When the time comes that God’s anger is poured out upon the mother of harlots — the wealthy and utterly wicked church of the whole earth, whose foundation is the accuser — then as that happens it will be part of the Father’s work to vindicate the covenants He has made with His people who belong to the house of Israel” (CofC, 1 Nephi 3:29, emphasis added).
After the “holy ones” are endowed with power from on high by the Patriarchal Fathers, the Lord pours out His wrath upon the “utterly wicked church.” As the whore begins collapsing, the power of God in great glory grows among the righteous congregations of the Lamb and scattered of Israel.
Receiving the “other books” and convincing the Gentiles, descendants of Nephi’s brethren and Israel is the effect of the new books. It represents the Angels words to Nephi regarding the Lord revealing Himself to the Gentiles in word, and in power when Patriarchal Fathers minister to the “holy ones.” When the “holy ones” and their people ascend beyond the first levels [Spirits of Elias and Elijah], the Lord offers to appear to them in person [Spirit of Messiah].
“But if the Gentiles repent and hearken to My words and don’t harden their hearts, I’ll establish My congregation among them. And they [Gentiles] will enter the covenant and be included with the remnant of Jacob, to whom I’ve given this land as their inheritance. They will join with My people, the remnant of Jacob, and all those of the house of Israel who come, so they can build a city that will be called the New Jerusalem. Then they [Gentiles] will join with My people who are scattered throughout the land [Israel] so they can be brought in together to the New Jerusalem. Then the Powers of heaven will come down among them, and I will be with them as well” (CofC, 3 Nephi 10:1, emphasis added).
It is not coincidental that the “Powers of heaven” precede the Savior taking residence with them as well. Their appearance is the preparation of the “holy ones” and their people for the Savior’s arrival. After the three groups pass the first two levels, they are prepared to receive the third or the personal visit from the Lord.
Scott Roderick