The Prophet Alma in the Covenant of Christ concludes his sermon on the Melchizedek Priesthood with the following warning:
“ . . . Now I don't intend to explain [all] this at length; what I've said is enough. The scriptures are readily available to you; if you deliberately misinterpret or distort them, it will be to your own destruction (Alma 10:2 CE). So after explaining a great deal about Melchizedek, he says, “I don't need to go on about this stuff. You already have the Scriptures.” (as quoted in “Covenant of Christ- Modern English Translation, Denver Snuffer Jr., p.9, emphasis added)
Alma’s counsel is applicable in our day. In our culture one is generally raised to interpret historical events from a social, geo-political, economic perspective that is uniquely secular. In contrast, the Prophets in the Covenant of Christ counsel contemporary readers to liken scriptural accounts to ourselves. The scriptures attest that mankind is not as clever as they may think. There are frequent tendencies on display in scripture that act as types or examples for current and future events. By applying lessons learned from prior scriptural examples many pitfalls and mistakes made by early generations can be avoided in our day.
Consistent with Alma’s counsel, Nephi explained how he applied the scriptures to instruct himself and his family.
“So, I taught my brothers these things. I also read to them from the brass plates, so they could learn what the Lord had done in other lands among former people. I read to them many things from the books of Moses. But in order to more completely persuade them to believe in the Lord their Redeemer, I read to them what the prophet Isaiah had written. I applied all scriptures to us, to educate and benefit us. Therefore I said to them: Listen to the prophet’s words, you who are a remnant of the house of Israel, a branch that’s been broken off. Listen to the prophet’s words written to all the house of Israel and apply them to yourselves, so you can have hope as well as your Israelite relatives from whom you’ve been broken off” (Covenant of Christ, 1 Nephi 6:1, emphasis added).
Nephi’s counsel was that scripture should be studied in the context of applying them to contemporary times. In the Covenant of Christ, Denver points to a theme arising when people reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the accompanying consequence of their rebellion. When the Gospel of Christ is rejected, it is a rejection of Christ as our sovereign King. Like Satan in pre-mortality those rejecting Christ rebel against His government and governance. It is not only a rejection of God’s proposal, but, in accordance with Satan, the proposal of an alternative seeking to subject the majority to the will of the minority. It becomes one more battle front in Satan’s war against the agency of mankind.
“You shall not use the name of the Lord, your God, to accomplish your ambitions. For the Lord will not forgive him who advances himself using God's name (ibid. emphasis added)—one of the great themes of the Book of Mormon. Apostasy leads to rebellion against every authority, because false religious ideas create megalomania [obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others. The delusional belief that one is important, powerful, or famous, as a form of symptom of mental disorder (Oxford Language)]. See, the people in who rejected the conversion effort of the people of Ammon when they went to them, and they wanted instead to elect kingmen. When they lost the election, they not only rebelled against the religion, they went on to rebel against the government. They became completely ungovernable. They began to rebel against their king, rejecting him as their king” (Covenant of Christ-Modern English Translation, Denver Snuffer Jr., p.9, emphasis added).
People who accept God’s Covenant accept Christ as their King.[1] When people reject Christ as King, Satan’s pattern substitutes a mortal king for the faithless.[2] They’re covenant is not with God but with Satan and his secret combinations.[3] King Mosiah explained to his people the difficulties that arise when a wicked king establishes sovereignty over the people.
“Now I’m telling you that because not all men are just, it isn’t good for you to have kings rule over you. Because one wicked king causes so much iniquity to be committed and so much destruction! Remember king Noah, his wickedness and abominations, and the resulting wickedness and abominations of his people. What great destruction fell upon them! Because of their iniquities they were also brought into slavery. If it hadn’t been for the intervention of their all-wise Creator- because of their sincere repentance- they would have inevitably remained in slavery until now. But He rescued them because they humbled themselves before Him; because they prayed humbly to Him, He rescued them from slavery. And this is how the Lord’s power is manifest in all cases among mankind, extending the arm of mercy toward those who put their trust in Him.
Now I tell you: You can’t remove an iniquitous king from power without terrible conflict, bloodshed, and killing. Because he has his friends in iniquity, and he keeps his guards around him, and he violates the laws of those who have ruled in righteousness before him, and he ignores God’s commandments. He enacts laws and forces them on his people-laws made according to his own wickedness. And he executes whoever doesn’t obey his laws. He sends armies against anyone who disobeys him; and if he can, he'll kill them. And so an unrighteous king corrupts and perverts the ways of all righteousness. Now I tell you: Such abominations are avoidable” (Covenant of Christ, Mosiah 13:16-24, emphasis added).
For those living in the United States and other democracies this subject may seem irrelevant. From the economic, geo-political and social perspective this appears to be a minor threat. From the scriptural perspective, alarm bells should be ringing. After directing his remarks at the effect an unrighteous king has on his people, king Mosiah states the eventual outcome from their iniquity is destruction and slavery. The fate of all of the people of the Book of Mormon came to those outcomes. Nephi warns the same is true for gentiles who reside in this land.
“Then the Angel told me: You’ve seen that if the Gentiles repent, it will turn out well for them. You also know about the Lord’s covenants with the house of Israel. And you’ve also heard that whoever doesn’t repent must perish. As a result, if the Gentiles harden their hearts against the Lamb of God, when I’ll bring about a great and awe-inspiring work among mankind, one that will be everlasting- one way or the other- either to convince them, resulting in peace and life eternal; or to give them up to their hard hearts and blind minds, bringing about their slavery and temporal and spiritual destruction, under the accuser’s enslavement which I’ve spoken about” (Covenant of Christ, 1 Nephi 13:5-7, emphasis added).
King Mosiah warned the effect of a wicked king would bring about destruction and slavery, the ultimate objectives of the accuser. When the Lord brings about “his great and awe-inspiring work,” the Gentiles who refuse to repent are both enslaved and destroyed. The same outcome from having a wicked king reign.
Mosiah provided an important link between the reign of a wicked king and the church of the accuser. He declared, “And so an unrighteous king corrupts and perverts the ways of all righteousness.” A wicked king, like the “corrupt and utterly wicked church, which is the most detestable of all other churches,”[4] is corrupt and perverse of all things righteous. This suggests the “utterly corrupt church” and an unrighteous king are separate branches of the same Satanic tree. Likely informal and convenient co-conspirators like Pilate and the Jews when Christ was crucified.
The unholy alliance between the wicked king and the utterly corrupt church has a predictable, but painful outcome. The Angel revealed how these forces of Satanic evil come to an end.
“If the Gentiles then obey the Lamb of God, He’ll reveal Himself to them in word and power and in person, in order to remove barriers to their belief, and if they don’t harden their hearts against the Lamb of God, they’ll be included with your father’s descendants – indeed, they’ll be included as part of the house of Israel. And they’ll become a blessed family[5] in the promised land forever. They won’t be enslaved anymore, and the house of Israel won’t be embarrassed anymore. And the great pit dug for them by that utterly wicked church, which the accuser and his followers founded so that he could take people’s souls down to hell-that great pit dug for people’s destruction will be filled with those who dug it, to their complete destruction, says the Lamb of God-not the destruction of the soul, but throwing it into that endless hell. This is according to the accuser’s imprisonment, and according to God’s justice as well, upon all those who insist on doing wicked and corrupt things in God’s sight” (Covenant of Christ, 1 Nephi 14:1-4, emphasis added).
There is a significant difference in the first sentence of the Covenant of Christ edition of 1 Nephi 14. What now says, “He’ll reveal Himself to them in word and power and in person,” before read “he shall manifest himself unto them in word and also in power, in very deed.”[6] One may presume this means a literal appearance of the Savior to the Gentiles but it may also refer to an “awe-inspiring manifestation that is so compelling it is impossible to deny the Savior or His gospel.
This type of manifestation is foretold in several prophecies throughout scripture. They have been suggested in previous papers but may be worthwhile to revisit in this context.
The first is in RE Genesis 12:39:
“And again, a seer will I raise up out of the fruit of your [Joseph of Egypt’s] loins. And unto him will I give power to bring forth my word unto the seed of your loins [Joseph Smith] — and not to the bringing forth my word only, says the Lord, but to the convincing them of my word which shall have already gone forth among them in the last days. [when Joseph Smith is not living] Wherefore, the fruit of your loins [Joseph of Egypt, Book of Mormon] shall write, and the fruit of the loins of Judah [Bible] shall write; and that which shall be written by the fruit of your loins and also that which shall be written by the fruit of the loins of Judah shall grow together unto the confounding of false doctrines, and laying down of contentions, and establishing peace among the fruit of your loins, and bringing them to the knowledge of their fathers in the latter days, and also to the knowledge of my covenants, says the Lord. And out of weakness he [Joseph Smith] shall be made strong in that day when my work shall go forth among all my people, which shall restore them who are of the house of Israel in the last days [when Joseph Smith is not living]” (RE Genesis 12:39, emphasis added).
The records of Joseph by the hand of Joseph Smith and Judah by the hand of the Jews grow together in the last days. When Israel is gathered, Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon translated by him grow together with the Bible to “convince” and restore Israel in the last days.
Nephi is shown this time in the prophecy revealed to him of the last days when “other books” come to light and confirm the truth of the records of Joseph and Judah.
“Then I saw my brothers’ descendants [descendants of Lehi] and the book of the Lamb of God [Bible], which had come from the Jews, and that it came from the Gentiles to my brothers’ descendants. After it had come to them, I saw other books that came by the Lamb’s power from the Gentiles to them – these convinced the Gentiles and my brothers’ descendants, and also the Jews who were scattered throughout the earth, that the records of the prophets and the Lamb’s Twelve witnesses are true. Then the Angel told me: The last records [descendants of Lehi] that you’ve seen among the Gentiles will confirm the truth of the first ones [Bible]– which come from the Lamb’s Twelve witnesses – and will reveal the clear and valuable things which have been removed from them and reveal to all people of every tribe and language that the Lamb of God is the Son of the Eternal Father and Savior of the world and that all people must come unto Him or they cannot be saved. And according to the words of the Lamb they must come to Him. And the Lamb’s words will be revealed in the records of your descendants as well as in the records of the Lamb’s Twelve witnesses. So they’ll both be witnesses together because there’s one God and one Shepherd over the whole earth. At a future time, He’ll reveal Himself to all nations, both to the Jews and to the Gentiles. And after He has revealed Himself to the Jews and to the Gentiles, He’ll then appear to the Gentiles and to the Jews. The last will be first and the first shall be last” (Covenant of Christ, 1 Nephi 13:38-42, emphasis added).
This passage refers to the records of Joseph and Judah becoming joined together. The Bible is from the Savior’s Twelve witnesses and the record of Joseph is written by descendants of Lehi. After these records are joined, “other books” come to the Gentiles “by the Lamb’s power” but does not provide attribution beyond the Lamb’s power. It is not until the “other books” are given to the Gentiles and then carried to Lehi’s descendants first and then the Jews that all people become “convinced” all are true. Presumably there must be another man to reveal the “other books” by the Lamb’s power. The final witness is a “spokesman” for Joseph Smith when Israel is gathered and Joseph Smith is vindicated.
“The Lord also told me [Joseph of Egypt]: I’ll give your descendants also a prophet [Joseph Smith] and make a spokesman for him [to be determined]. I’ll inspire the one to write the record [Joseph Smith] of your descendants to bless your offspring [Book of Mormon]. And that spokesman will declare the record [when the “other books” (including the Covenant of Christ?) are brought to light]. The words he’ll write [Joseph Smith] will be the words that, in My wisdom, I consider important for your offspring to read [“much” but not all]. It will be as if your descendants called out to them from the dust, because I know their faith. They’ll call out the need for repentance from the dust for their brothers and sisters many generations after they’ve died [when the “spokesman” and “other books” arrive]. Their words will go forth in a way that is a direct, clear message [Covenant of Christ?]. Because of their faith, their words will go from Me to their brothers and sisters who are your offspring. I’ll make the simplicity of their words result in strong faith as they learn about the covenant I made with your fathers [something they’ve lost].[7]
Now, my son Joseph, this is how my forefather prophesied. Therefore you are blessed because of this covenant, since your descendants won’t be destroyed, because they’ll listen to the words of the book. And one powerful among them[8] will rise up and do much good in what he says and does, acting as an instrument in God’s hands with great faith to accomplish wonderful results in God’s sight, to bring a significant restoration for the house of Israel including your brothers’ descendants [the spokesman]. You are blessed, Joseph. And because you are young, listen to the words of your brother Nephi, and your life will unfold according to what I’ve spoken. Never forget the words of your dying father. Amen” (Covenant of Christ, 2 Nephi 3:18-25, emphasis added).
The spokesman for Joseph Smith arrives in the last days to facilitate the restoration of Israel’s knowledge of the Patriarchal Fathers and gather Israel. The spokesman’s efforts vindicate the mission of Joseph Smith. He is not a descendant of Lehi, but a Gentile who leads repentant Gentiles to join with Lehi’s seed in restoring and gathering them. As Gentile “kings” and “queens” acting as “foster fathers” and “nursing mothers,”[9] they nurture the descendants of Lehi with the simplicity of their words. “I’ll make the simplicity of their words result in strong faith as they learn about the covenant I made with your fathers.” In this manner the “one powerful among them,” accompanied by a small number of Gentiles[10] assist descendants of Lehi in establishing the New Jerusalem.[11]
Final Word Regarding Kings
The original Book of Mormon appeared to be clear on the Lord’s stand against the Gentiles having a king in this land. The original text says the following:
“And this land shall be a land of liberty unto the gentiles, and there shall be no kings upon the land who shall raise up unto the gentiles, and I will fortify this land against all other nations. And he that fighteth against Zion shall perish, saith God, for he that raiseth up a king against me shall perish. For I the Lord, the King of Heaven, will be their king, and I will be a light unto them for ever that hear my words” (RE 2 Nephi 7:11-14, emphasis added).
The operative phrase in this verse is “against me,” referring to the Lord. This does not speak against a king like the righteous Nephite kings or the establishment of a righteous king in the last days. The same passage from the Covenant of Christ adds an additional qualifier when it states:
“This land will be a land of liberty for the Gentiles, and there won’t be any kings on the land who will oppress the Gentiles. I’ll fortify this land against all other nations. God has said: Those who fight against Zion will be destroyed. Those who try to establish a king in place of Me will perish, because I the Lord, the King of Heaven, will be their king; and I’ll be a light to those who hear My words forever” (Covenant of Christ, 2 Nephi 7:11-14, emphasis added).
In point of fact, Jacob refers to Gentile kings prior to his discussion about kings. Jacob refers to Gentile kings and queens who will be their [meaning descendants of Lehi] who act as foster fathers [surrogate fathers and nursing mothers] who nurture Lehi’s descendants with the good word of God. Jacob is not forbidding the existence of kings among the Gentiles. Only kings who oppose God and oppress the Gentiles. Anyone attempting to establish a king under those criteria will be destroyed.
Kings anointed by God who obey His words and follow His commands follow the pattern set by kings Mosiah, Benjamin and Mosiah. However, their reign over the people of Nephi was only temporary until it was replaced with a system of judges sustained by the popular vote.
The transitory nature of the latter-day Davidic king is illustrated in the prophecy of Ezekiel, when the records of Judah and Joseph are combined. The first step to gathering Israel will be a king named David and addressed by Joseph Smith.[12]
“And David my servant shall be king over them, and they all shall have one shepherd. They shall also walk in my judgments, and observe my statutes, and do them. And they shall dwell in the land that I have given unto Jacob my servant, wherein your fathers have dwelled. And they shall dwell therein — even they, and their children, and their children’s children for ever. And my servant David shall be their prince for ever” (RE Ezekiel 19:6, emphasis added).
At the beginning of the verse David is referred to as “king over them” but the last title David is given is “prince forever.” The title of king is the equivalent of what ancient David had. It was less than a fullness of the Priesthood and lacked the spirit and power of Elijah. In the end, David is given a new title that implies receipt of the spirit and power of Elijah and the fullness of the Priesthood that is Eternal. David and presumably his subjects ascend from the “more” of the gospel of Christ from Joseph Smith to a fullness of both through the Lord’s servant David.
Originally, the first king David was unworthy to receive the spirit and power of Elijah and the fullness of the Priesthood. Like the saints of Nauvoo, it was withheld from him because of sin. The latter-day David accomplishes his mission through righteousness. His reign will not be like David, but rather like Christ.
“King Benjamin is great even as he proclaimed his weaknesses. Only a confident leader, secure in his worth before God, can admit all King Benjamin admitted about his own weakness. Concerning his moral worth he declared, “I am like as yourselves, subject to all manner of infirmities in body and mind...” Concerning his physical vitality he explained, “For even at this time, my whole frame doth tremble exceedingly while attempting to speak unto you...” King Benjamin was not seeking admiration. He did not give his people reason to envy him, nor did he take wealth or support from them. He provided for himself and labored with his own hands. He never imposed anything on his people. He was a servant, though a king. He measured his life by what he gave others, not by what he received from them. King Benjamin did not even deliver his own message. Instead, he taught what an angel told him to teach. “[T]he things which I shall tell you are made known unto me by an angel from God
This was a meek king, whose own life modeled the life of the coming Savior about whom he testified. He was honest enough to admit his own weakness. This model of meekness is so unlike the proud, the vain, the self‑willed who lead today in government, education, religion, business and society. The contrast is so great that it helps us to understand why angels would minister to King Benjamin and the heavens are silent with leaders today. There simply is not a leader among us who is willing to give in sacrifice what is required to know God” (Preserving the Restoration, Denver Snuffer Jr., pp. 222-223, emphasis added).
The latter-day king David and those who serve with him will reign like Christ and the righteous Nephite kings. If we heed them, Christ will be our King and light our path’s forever.
[1] “But this is what the Lord God said: When the day comes that they [Israel] believe in Me, that I Am the Messiah- for I’ve covenanted with their fathers- then they will be restored here on earth to the lands of their inheritance. And they will be gathered in from their long scattered state from islands and from the four corners of the earth. God has said: The Gentile nations will be great in My eyes in returning them to the lands of their inheritance. Indeed, the Gentile kings will be like foster fathers to them, and their queens will be like nursing mothers. Therefore the Lord has made great promises to the Gentiles, because He has decreed it, and who can argue against it? But God has said: This land will be a land of liberty for the Gentiles, and there won’t be any kings on the land who will oppress the Gentiles. I’ll fortify this land against all other nations. God has said: Those who fight against Zion will be destroyed. Those who try to establish a king in place of Me will perish, because I the Lord, the King of Heaven, will be their king; and I’ll be a light to those who hear My words forever” (Covenant of Christ, 2 Nephi 7:7-12, emphasis added).
Reference to “Gentile kings” as “foster fathers” and Gentile “queens” as nursing mothers refers to repentant Gentiles who become temporary surrogate fathers and mothers to descendants of Patriarchal Fathers who are not as yet present. The repentant Gentiles engage in the preliminary work of restoring Israel to the knowledge of their Patriarchal Fathers and the Lord’s promises to them.
“So if we want to guess about these three (or four) groups, we have a few obvious choices. But we have no guarantee we know who the “Gentiles” are among whom the Lord will establish His “church.” There are presently over 100 diverse churches who all claim Joseph Smith as their founder. It’s likely that all of them would say they are the Gentiles among whom the Lord has established a church. The Lord adds a helpful clarification to His description of the Gentiles. It involves Gentiles who will “come in unto the covenant and be numbered among…the remnant of Jacob.” In the covenant offered by the Lord in September 2017, the covenant included the following statement by the Lord: All you who have turned from your wicked ways and repented of your evil doings, of lying and deceiving, and of all whoredoms, and of secret abominations, idolatries, murders, priestcrafts, envying, and strife, and from all wickedness and abominations, and have come [in] unto me, and been baptized in my name, and have received a remission of your sins, and received the holy ghost, are now numbered with my people who are of the house of Israel. (T&C 158:10, emphasis added) Those words from the covenant may be how the Lord intends to identify the group of Gentiles who have come into a covenant and become numbered with the remnant. This idea of taking one identified group of people and then re-identifying them by “numbering among” a different identified group is one of the major themes of the Book of Mormon. The first time we encounter this idea of changing identities is in a prophecy of Nephi’s: And it shall come to pass that if the gentiles shall hearken unto the Lamb of God in that day that he shall manifest himself unto them in word and also in power, [and] in very deed, unto the taking away of their stumbling blocks, and harden not their hearts against the Lamb of God, they shall be numbered among the seed of thy father. Yea, they shall be numbered among the house of Israel; and they shall be a blessed people upon the promised land for ever. (1 Nephi 3:25 RE) To Gentiles who receive both the Bible and Book of Mormon, the Lord will manifest Himself to them “in word [by them accepting His voice in scripture] and also in power [by the Holy Ghost], in very deed [by removing the veil that keeps Him hidden], unto the taking away of their stumbling blocks.” Joseph Smith began that process, which ended abruptly when he and Hyrum were killed. But the Lord has recommenced the process and revealed Himself again. For those who hear His voice, obey His commands, and come unto Him, “they shall be numbered among the seed” of Nephi’s father. And “they shall be numbered among the house of Israel; and they shall be a blessed people upon the promised land for ever” (Understanding Prophecy, Denver Snuffer Jr., p.7, emphasis added).
[2] “Then all the elders of Israel gathered themselves together and came to Samuel, unto Ramah, and said unto him, Behold, you are old, and your sons walk not in your ways. Now make us a king to judge us, like all the nations. But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed unto the Lord. And the Lord said unto Samuel, Listen unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them. According to all the works which they have done, since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt even unto this day, in which they have forsaken me and served other gods, so do they also unto you. Now therefore listen unto their voice. Nevertheless, yet protest solemnly unto them, and show them the manner of the king that shall reign over them.
And Samuel told all the words of the Lord unto the people that asked of him a king. And he said, This will be the manner of the king that shall reign over you: he will take your sons and appoint them for himself, for his chariots and to be his horsemen; and some shall run before his chariots. And he will appoint him captains over thousands and captains over fifties, and will set them to plow his ground and to reap his harvest, and to make his instruments of war and instruments of his chariots. And he will take your daughters to be compounders, and to be cooks, and to be bakers. And he will take your fields, and your vineyards, and your oliveyards, even the best of them, and give them to his servants. And he will take the tenth of your seed and of your vineyards, and give to his officers and to his servants. And he will take your menservants and your maidservants, and your best young men, and your asses, and put them to his work. He will take the tenth of your sheep, and you shall be his servants. And you shall cry out in that day because of your king whom you shall have chosen you, and the Lord will not hear you in that day.
Nevertheless, the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel, and they said, Nay, but we desire a king over us, that we also may be like all the nations, and that our king may judge us, and go out before us and fight our battles. And Samuel heard all the words of the people, and he rehearsed them in the ears of the Lord. And the Lord said to Samuel, Listen unto their voice and make them a king. And Samuel said unto the men of Israel, Go every man unto his city” (RE 1 Samuel 4:2-4, emphasis added).
[3] “Therefore I must destroy secret works of darkness, murder, and abominations so that the covenants I’ve made with mankind can be fulfilled, which I’ll do for them while they’re living on earth. So those who fight against Zion – Jews or Gentiles, enslaved or free, male or female – will be destroyed. God has said: They are the whore of all the earth – those who aren’t for Me are against Me. I’ll fulfill the promises I’ve made to mankind, which I’ll do for them while they’re here on earth” (Covenant of Christ, 2 Nephi 7:15-17, emphasis added).
[4] See Covenant of Christ 1 Nephi 13:26
[5] “Enos tells us the Lord promised him, thou shalt be blessed (Enos 1:1). Words matter, and this statement can be read in the future tense. Enos is not promised that he is blessed but that in some future event or events he “shalt” be blessed.1 If Blessed is another name given to Enos by the Lord, then here is another wonderful revelation about Enos’ relationship with God. These words could be punctuated: “…thou shalt be Blessed,” meaning the Lord gave to Enos the new name “Blessed” at the time of their first meeting. If so, then in the concluding verse of his record, Enos is telling us of the future time when the Lord will call him by the new name “Blessed,” while assuring him of the mansion which belongs to him in the Father’s kingdom.2
Enoch was 25 years old when he was ordained by the hand of Adam, and forty years later (when he was 65), Adam “blessed” him. Once the power came (from the “blessing”), he saw the Lord, and he walked with him, and was before his face continually; and he walked with God three hundred sixty-five years, making him four hundred thirty years old when he was translated (T&C 154:15). So, he is ordained (the first requirement), then he is “blessed” (the second part), which has the effect of him becoming “continually before the Lord” (the intended result of ordination). And Enoch lived sixty-five years and begot Methuselah (Genesis 3:25). Enoch had been ordained to the priesthood but was not a father until he was “blessed” and entered the Lord’s presence” (A Glossary of Gospel Terms, Blessed, pp. 590-591, emphasis added).
[6] “And it shall come to pass that if the gentiles shall hearken unto the Lamb of God in that day that he shall manifest himself unto them in word and also in power, in very deed, unto the taking away of their stumbling blocks, and harden not their hearts against the Lamb of God, they shall be numbered among the seed of thy father” (RE 1 Nephi 3:25, emphasis added).
[7] “Therefore your offspring will write, and Judah’s offspring will write. The Lord says: The things your offspring write, and the things Judah’s offspring write, will grow together in order to expose false doctrines, settle disputes, and establish peace among your offspring and bring them, in the last days, to understanding their ancestors and comprehending My covenants. The Lord said: His [Joseph Smith’s] weakness will made strong. My work will then begin among all My people. I’ll restore you, O house of Israel” (Covenant of Christ, 2 Nephi 2:12, emphasis added).
[8] “Lehi continued in verse 2 Nephi 3:23: “Wherefore, because of this covenant” [the one with Joseph of Egypt], “he” [the son of Lehi] “is blessed, for his” [Lehi’s son] “seed shall not be destroyed, for they shall hearken unto the words of the book. And there shall rise up one mighty among them” [The “words of the book” is the book recovered by Joseph Smith’s hand; the Book of Mormon. Another called “mighty” will be “among” them. The word “among” does not require him to be a descendant of Lehi. It only requires the “mighty” one to be among or sent to them. A minister who understands the Book of Mormon and preaches it with strong conviction could fulfill this promise. But someone will someday accomplish this mission, other than Joseph Smith.]” (Preserving the Restoration, Denver Snuffer Jr., p.112, emphasis added).
“I labored alongside you in this work [Covenant of Christ]. My word is truth. My word is spirit. As you worked with the text I gave you my word and it is to be kept as it was given. My word carries with it the power of truth, and you are not called to alter it, but are to defend it” (Covenant of Christ, Modern English Translation, Denver Snuffer Jr., p.15, emphasis added).
[9] Revisit footnote 1
[10] “Then the lord of the vineyard sent his servant, and the servant went and did as the lord had commanded him and brought a few other servants. And the lord of the vineyard told them: Get started and work hard in the vineyard. This is the last time I’ll tend my vineyard – the end is near and the harvest is coming quickly. If you work hard with me, you’ll have joy in the fruit that I’ll harvest for myself at the end of the growing season. Then the servants went ahead and worked hard, and the lord of the vineyard also worked with them. And they obeyed the lord of the vineyard’s direction in all things. And the original fruit again grew in the vineyard, and the original branches began to grow and produce abundantly, and the wild branches began to be cut off and thrown away. And they kept the root and the top equal based on their strength. This is how they worked with all diligence according to the lord of the vineyard’s commandments, until the bad had been thrown out of the vineyard and the lord had saved the good for himself, so the trees had again produced the original fruit [like the Garden of Eden]. And they became like one body and the fruit was equally good; and the lord of the vineyard had saved the original fruit for himself, which was most valuable to him from the beginning.
When the lord of the vineyard saw his fruit was good and his vineyard was no longer corrupt, he called up his servants and told them: We’ve tended my vineyard for the last time. You see I’ve followed my plans and have saved the original fruit, so it’s good just like it was in the beginning. And you are blessed since you’ve been diligent in working with me in my vineyard and have followed my instructions – and it has produced the original fruit for me again, so that my vineyard is no longer corrupt and the bad is thrown away – and you’ll celebrate with me over my vineyard’s fruit. I’ll store my vineyard’s fruit for myself for a long time as we prepare for the end of the growing season, which is coming quickly. I’ve tended my vineyard for the last time and pruned, tilled, and fertilized it. Therefore I’ll store the fruit for a long time, as I had planned. And when the time comes that evil fruit again grows in my vineyard, then I’ll have the good and bad gathered, and I’ll store the good for myself and throw the bad away into its own place. And then the final season ends, and it will be time for my vineyard to be burned with fire” (Covenant of Christ, Jacob 5:70-77, emphasis added).
[11] “But if the Gentiles repent and hearken to My words and don’t harden their hearts, I’ll establish My congregation among them. And they will enter the covenant and be included with the remnant of Jacob, to whom I’ve given this land as their inheritance. They will join with My people, the remnant of Jacob, and all those of the house of Israel who come, so they can build a city that will be called the New Jerusalem. Then they will join with My people who are scattered throughout the land so they can be brought in together to the New Jerusalem. Then the Powers of Heaven [Patriarchal Fathers] will come down among them [Spirit of Elijah, Holy Order], and I will be with them as well. Then the Father’s work will be underway, when this gospel is preached among the remnant of this people. Truly I say to you: At that time, the Father’s work will be taught among the scattered portion of my people, even the tribes that have been lost, whom the Father led away out of Jerusalem. The Father will work with My scattered people, to enable them to come to Me, so they can call on the Father in My name. Truly the work of the Father will be underway in all nations, clearing the way to let His people be gathered home to the land of their inheritance. They will go out from all nations. And they won’t go hastily or at a run, because I will go in front of them, says the Father, and I will guard them from behind” (Covenant of Christ, 3 Nephi 10:22, emphasis added).
[12] “Although David was a king, he never did obtain the spirit and power of Elijah and the fullness of the Priesthood; and the Priesthood that he received and the throne and kingdom of David is to be taken from him and given to another by the name of David in the last days, out of his lineage” (TPJS., p.339, emphasis added).
Scott Roderick