When reading the Covenant of Christ, one factor complicating our understanding of the prophecies is our current prosperous conditions. Those conditions are gradually deteriorating but generally and comparatively speaking, this country is among the most blessed by God. When the Lord describes what our conditions become, our response will likely be remarkably different.
“Yes, woe to the Gentiles unless they repent: For when that day comes, says the Father, I’ll take away your strength from you, and I’ll destroy your security. Your cities will fall and I’ll break open your guarded borders. Your sciences and learning will turn into foolishness, and your false beliefs will cause your failure. I’ll expose the fraud of those in authority, and your trusted institutions will lose everyone’s loyalty. False prophets and false ministers will be brought to shame and humiliation. All lying, deceiving, envying, strife, priestcraft, and whoredoms will come to an end. At that time, says the Father, I’ll cut down anyone who won’t repent and draw near to My Beloved Son to preserve My people, the house of Israel. I’ll take vengeance and unleash My fierce anger on all the unbelieving, beyond anything they expect” (Covenant of Christ, 3 Nephi 21:14-21, emphasis added).
We live in relative comfort, security and peace. It’s difficult to imagine living any other way. Christ warns what we face in the day this prophecy is fulfilled. He warns our strength becomes weakness, and our security is lost. Being weak and insecure is difficult to imagine, yet the Lord warns this will be the conditions in the last days. Cities fall, and once secure borders burst open. In effect this describes an incursion from outside.
If we desire to know how these conditions unfold, search for similar events among the Nephites with like conditions.
Following a series of lost wars and successful Lamanite occupations, Moronihah, son of Captain Moroni is unable to regain more than half the Nephite land from the Lamanites. The remaining half of the Nephite empire conditions were corrupt and more people chose evil over good. The entire society was “ripening for destruction” because the laws had become corrupted.[1]
“Because of the extremely large number of Lamanites, the Nephites feared they would be overpowered, trampled, killed, and destroyed [“I’ll take away your strength from you and I’ll destroy your security”]. They began to remember Alma’s prophecies and Mosiah’s words as well. They saw they had been a stubborn and unyielding people and had treated God’s commandments as meaningless and they had changed and ignored Mosiah’s laws [Constitution?], the very laws had become corrupted and they had become a wicked people, no different than the Lamanites. Due to their iniquity, the congregation [Lord’s people] was falling apart. They began to disbelieve in the spirit of prophecy and in the spirit of revelation. God’s judgments stared them in the face. They saw they were now weak like their Lamanite brothers and sisters and the Spirit of the Lord stopped protecting them. It had withdrawn from them because the Spirit of the Lord doesn’t reside in unholy temples. Therefore the Lord stopped protecting them with His miraculous and unmatched power, since they fell into unbelief and awful wickedness. They could see the Lamanites were far more numerous than they were; and unless they held firmly to the Lord their God, they faced unavoidable destruction. They saw the Lamanites strength matched theirs comparing man to man. They were in a weakened condition because of their transgressions; indeed, it only took a few years for them to be weakened by their transgressions” (Covenant of Christ, Helaman 4:20-26, emphasis added).
Reading this description of the Nephites we see similarities to the Savior’s warning to the Gentiles.
Recalling the pattern of Nephi and Jacob adopting the words of Isaiah and Zenos, we find Denver referencing the writings of Nephi, the son of Helaman in the following blogpost.
“While I worked on Covenant of Christ, there were passages that were very difficult for me to understand. So much so that I would highlight them and move on, then return later to grapple with the text.
An example of this kind of difficulty that I had to spend time studying to understand is the passage below from Helaman 4:11 “And may God grant, in his great fullness, that men might be brought unto repentance and good works, that they might be restored unto grace for grace according to their works. And I would that all men might be saved.” This was written by Nephi, son of Helaman who was the son of Helaman, Alma the Younger’s son. I’ve read that passage for half-a-century. Probably have seen it over a hundred times. But it never stood out to me until Covenant of Christ.
To understand the text I had to go back to the earlier text materials he wrote just prior to this [war chapters], as well as the materials that he wrote afterward. This particular passage is a critical part of his overall message. It is a wonderful insight into how God dealt with his people, and in turn how God will deal with the Gentiles who receive the warnings in this book of scripture.
The believers in Nephi’s day fell into errors, forgot God, needed to be reminded to repent, and suffered punishment to bring them back to remember God. The Lord inflicted them with punishment, violence, slavery and death from time to time in order to motivate them to remember Him.
Nephi was keenly aware of what is required to let hard-hearted people return and repent [is Denver similar?]. His account portrays these difficult circumstances as part of the necessary things to save people. In this difficult to understand text he is saying that he hopes, no matter what it requires, that God will take the steps needed to get people to repent and return.
Here is how that passage now reads in Covenant of Christ: “And may God in His infinite wisdom do whatever is required for mankind to be led to repent and do good works, so they can be restored to grace for grace based on their works. I want all mankind to be saved.”
If you read Covenant of Christ and compare it with the Book of Mormon, you will find that the book now addresses our condition, need to repent and accept Christ, and the danger of rejecting faith in Christ more clearly and understandably. Young people who are less able to understand 1600s English language will be particularly benefitted from reading this new version” (Discuss Covenant of Christ, Part 4, Denver Snuffer Jr., August 17, 2024, emphasis added)
There are literally hundreds of examples in the Book of Mormon where prophetic figures like Nephi, the son of Helaman assumed the prophetic mantle and began calling people to repentance. Many of his ancestors accounted for in this Patriarchal line. One might ask, “Why would Denver choose this Nephi in the midst of so many faithful prophets throughout the text of the Book of Mormon?
There are many reasons why the account of this Nephi is germaine to the Gentiles in the last days. One is its proximity to the coming of Christ. One might consider Nephi’s ministry as preparation for Christ’s coming to the survivors of apocalyptic events in a latter-day Nephi’s day. Included in Nephi’s ministry is a final ministry to the Nephites prior to the Savior’s arrival. It includes a successful ministry to the Lamanites leading to mass conversions and righteousness. So much so Lamanites who warred against the Nephites and occupied Nephite lands surrendered the occupied territory and returned to their native lands. Nephi’s preaching led to the rise of Samuel the Lamanite delivering a final warning to wicked Nephites. This preceded natural disasters destroying Nephite cities and expunging the wicked from Nephite society. Included in Samuel’s angelic witness were signs of Christ’s birth, death and resurrection. This follows the pattern described by the Savior in his Nephite ministry. A time when the Lamanites began to “know these things,” because they received them from Nephi. In effect, Nephi is a type for the servant of Christ who delivers the words of Christ in 3 Nephi 21:9-11 to Lehi’s posterity in the last days. He, (and those who assist him) are latter-day Gentiles who are “among them” [descendants of Lehi].[2] When the Father begins a “great and awe-inspiring work”[3] and they “begin to know these things.”[4]
“Nephi was sick at heart because of this; so he turned over the judgment seat and assumed the responsibility to preach God’s word for the rest of his life, and his brother Lehi joined him, for the rest of his life also . . . Then they departed to teach God’s word throughout the Nephite communities, beginning at Bountiful, then the city of Gid, and from there to Mulek, all in keeping with God’s commandments. They taught from one city to another until they had traveled to all the Nephites in the land to the south, and then went from there into the land of Zarahemla among the Lamanites.
They preached powerfully, convincing many of the defectors [Gentiles] who had departed from the Nephites that they had been wrong. As a result, they publicly confessed their sins and were baptized as a sign of repentance and immediately returned to the Nephites to attempt to repair the wrongs they had committed. Additionally Nephi and Lehi preached powerfully with a voice of authority to the Lamanites, since God’s power and authority was His gift to them. Their words were inspired through that gift. Therefore their messages were astonishing and so convincing to the Lamanites that 8,000 of them in Zarahemla and the surrounding area were baptized as a sign of repentance because they had been convinced of the wickedness of their fathers’ traditions.
Then Nephi and Lehi went on from there to the land of Nephi. And there they were captured by a Lamanite army and thrown into prison, the same prison where Ammon and his brothers were put by Limhi’s servants. After they had been confined in prison many days without food, the captors went into the prison to take and kill them. But Nephi and Lehi were surrounded as if by fire, and so they didn’t dare touch them for fear of being burned. However, Nephi and Lehi weren’t burned although they were standing unharmed in the middle of fire. When they saw they were surrounded by a pillar of fire and it didn’t burn them their hearts took courage; they saw the Lamanites didn’t dare touch them, or even dare to approach them; instead, they stood dumbstruck in amazement” (Covenant of Christ, Helaman 5:4,14-25, emphasis added).
Converting 8,000 Lamanites and another 300 in the prison by miraculous means was extraordinary. Even “great and awe-inspiring” means.[5] At the conclusion of the prison account we read the following summary of these events. Nephi and Lehi did not accomplish this on their own. The Lord labored with them in His vineyard.[6]
“The voice spoke to them again, cheerfully and softly, saying: Peace, peace be with you because of your faith in My Well Beloved, who existed from the foundation of creation. When they heard this, they looked up trying to see who was speaking. The heavens opened as angels descended from heaven [Powers of Heaven] and ministered to them.[7] There were about 300 souls who witnessed these things. They were told to not question or doubt their experience. They went out and testified to the people, declaring throughout the surrounding area everything they had heard and seen, and the majority of the Lamanites were convinced by their testimony. All those who were convinced gave up their weapons, their hatred, and ancestors’ traditions as well. And they returned the lands they had taken back to the Nephites.
All these things had happened by the time the 62nd year of the judges’ rule had ended; and the majority of the Lamanites had become righteous, so much so that their righteousness exceeded the Nephites’, because they were firm and steady in their faith. In contrast, there were many Nephites who had become hardened, unrepentant, and excessively wicked, rejection God’s word and all the preaching and prophesying provided to them. Nevertheless, the congregation [Lord’s people] members felt tremendous joy about the conversion of the Lamanites, and for God’s congregation now established among them. They fellowshipped with each other, rejoiced with each other and shared the joy. Many of the Lamanites went to Zarahemla and testified to the Nephites about their conversion and urged them to be faithful and repent. Many preached effectively and persuasively, which humbled many of them and converted them to again follow God and the Lamb.
Many of the Lamanites went north along with Nephi and Lehi to preach to the people there. And so ended the 63rd year. There was peace throughout all the land, allowing the Nephites to travel anywhere they wished, whether it was among the Nephites or the Lamanites. The Lamanites could do likewise, also among the Lamanites or the Nephites. All had free communication and trade with one another, letting them buy, sell, and profit, as they wanted” (Covenant of Christ, Helaman 5:46-52, 6:1-8 emphasis added).
Nephi and his brother Lehi were beneficiaries of the Holy Order. Their ancestors came from a patriarchal line of righteous men joined to this order. Their father, Helaman, the son of Helaman, the son of Alma the Younger reminded his sons of this tradition by naming them after their Nephite forefathers.
“They remembered what their father Helaman told them. He said: My sons, I want you to remember to keep God’s commandments. And I want you to explain to the people that I named you after our first parents who came from the land of Jerusalem. I’ve done this so your names will remind you of them. When you remember them, you’ll remember their works. When you remember their works, you know it’s said, and also written, that they were good. Therefore, my sons, I want you to be good, so the same thing will said and written about you, as it has been said and written of them. Now, my sons, I ask of you one more thing, which is that you don’t set a good example so you can brag about it. Only do what’s right to store up for yourselves a treasure in heaven, which is eternal and won’t fade away, so you can have the precious gift of eternal life. We have every reason to believe our fathers received that gift.
Remember, remember, my sons, the words king Benjamin taught his people. Remember there isn’t any other way or means by which mankind can be saved, except through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ, who’s sure to come. Remember He is coming to redeem the world. Remember also what Amulek said to Zeezrom in the city of Ammonihah. He told him the Lord would certainly come to redeem His people, but He wouldn’t come to redeem them in their sins, but He would come to redeem them from their sins. He has power given to Him from the Father to redeem them from their sins if they repent. Therefore He has sent His angels to declare the requirement for repentance, which permits the power of the Redeemer to save their souls. Now, my sons, remember, remember it’s on the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, you must build your foundation, so that when the accuser attacks with powerful winds, lightning, a tornado, hail, and his turbulent storm to defeat you, none of it will have the power to drag you down to the abyss of misery and endless suffering, because the rock you’re built on is a stable foundation that will never fail.
This was what Helaman taught to his sons, but he also went on with things not written down, and taught other things from this record and from written scriptures; and they remembered his words” (Covenant of Christ, Helaman 5:5-16, emphasis added).
Having been raised in a righteous tradition of Patriarchs from the Holy Order, Nephi and Lehi remembered their father’s counsel and devoted the balance of their lives to preaching repentance and bringing souls to Christ. Like Christ, they sacrificed their lives for the salvation of mankind. Because of their great sacrifice, the Lord endowed them both with power and authority from on high.
Additionally Nephi and Lehi preached powerfully with a voice of authority to the Lamanites, since God’s power and authority was His gift to them. Their words were inspired through that gift. Therefore their messages were astonishing and so convincing to the Lamanites that 8,000 of them in Zarahemla and the surrounding area were baptized as a sign of repentance because they had been convinced of the wickedness of their fathers’ traditions” (Covenant of Christ, Helaman 5:18-19, emphasis added).
Because of the faith and righteousness of Nephi and Lehi, God endowed them with power and authority from Him. There words were inspiring and their message so astonishing 8,000 Lamanites repented and repaired the wrongs they had done to the Nephites. The Lamanites withdrew from occupied Nephite territory, restoring the land to the Nephite owners.
The power and authority given Nephi and Lehi’s words were only the beginning of an endowment they received from on high. In prison, surrounded by a pillar of fire they were ministered to by Patriarchal Fathers giving them additional powers and knowledge. The endowment of those powers created an additional missionary force of 300 people who left the prison and testified to both Lamanites and Nephites they had been born of God.
Following the successful Lamanite and Nephite dissenters mission to the North, Nephi and Lehi returned home. Upon their return they found their Nephite brethren immersed in secret conspiracies to murder, plunder and seek gain.
“The Lord had blessed them with material possessions for so long that they were never angry, started a war, or caused any bloodshed. Therefore they began to make their material possessions their only priority. Indeed, they began acquiring wealth and status so they could think of themselves as better than the next person. Then secret murders started, and people started robbing and stealing to make money. Now the murderers and thieves were from that gang started by Kishcumen and Gaddianton. There were many, even among the Nephites, who joined Gaddianton’s gang. But there were far more among the more wicked part of the Lamanites. They were called Gaddianton’s robbers and murders. They were the ones who murdered the chief judge Cezoram and his son while responsible for the judgment seat. But they went unidentified” (Covenant of Christ, Helaman 6:17-19, emphasis added).
While the Nephite’s embraced the covenants of wickedness, the Lamanites destroyed them from among their people.
Nephi Calls His People to Repentance, Exposes Secret Combinations and The Impending Doom of the Nephites
I will address the subject of secret conspiracies later. What is most relevant to us is the description of the people in Nephi’s day and how it mirrors our current conditions. The lack of adversity in the lives of the Lamanites and Nephites led to class envy, division and an obsession with material wealth. Because the people enjoyed peace and prosperity they began to become complacent then wicked. They murdered, lied, entered oaths to sustain wickedness and evil. They were blinded from the consequences of sin and how it was leading to their destruction.
In the face of such wickedness, Nephi returned to his home. While walking, Nephi pondered all the Lord had shown him and the regret he felt for the secrets works of darkness, murders and robberies among the Nephites. As Nephi contemplated these things the voice of the Lord spoke to him pronouncing additional blessings for his diligence and faithfulness.
“You are blessed [8], Nephi, because of the things you’ve done. I’ve seen how you’ve tirelessly declared the word I gave you to this people. You haven’t been afraid of them and haven’t tried to save your own life, but have tried to learn My will and to keep My commandments. Now because you’ve done this so tirelessly, I’ll bless you forever[9]. And I’ll make you powerful in word and deed, in faith and works, so that all things will happen to you as you ask, since you won’t ask anything contrary to my will. You are Nephi, and I am God. I declare this to you in front of My angels as witnesses: You are given power that whatever you seal[10] on earth will be sealed in heaven, and whatever you set loose on earth will be set loose in heaven, and so you will hold this power over this people. And so if you say to this temple: Split in two! -it will happen. And if you say to this mountain: Fall down and be leveled!- it will happen. And if you say for God to afflict this people, it will happen.[11] Now I command you to go and warn these people that the Lord God, the All-Powerful One, decrees: Unless you repent, you will be afflicted and destroyed” (Covenant of Christ, Helaman 10:4-11, emphasis added).
Nephi, after being endowed with this power by the voice of God, didn’t return to his home. Nephi returned to the city to begin warning people of their imminent destruction should they fail to repent.
“ . . . When Nephi delivered this message, they still hardened their hearts and ignored what he said. The people mocked him and attempted to seize him so they could throw him in prison. But God’s power was with him, and they were unable to grab him and put him in prison because he was taken by the Spirit and carried away from them.[12]
And so he went forth in the Spirit from gathering to gathering declaring God’s word, until all of them heard it directly or indirectly. But they refused to respond to his warning. But there began to be heated arguments, so much so that they fought among themselves and began to kill each other with the sword. And so ended the 71st year of the judges’ rule over the Nephites” (Covenant of Christ, Helaman 10:15-19, emphasis added).
Secret gangs of robbers caused anger and violence among the Nephites. War broke out amongst them for a year. Nephi approached the Lord with the following prayer:
“O Lord, don’t let this people die by the sword. But, O Lord, let there instead be a famine in the land to prompt them to remember the Lord their God; and perhaps they will repent and turn to You. Then it happened according to Nephi’s words, and there was a great famine in the land among all the Nephites” (Covenant of Christ, Helaman 11:4-5, emphasis added).
Nephi, exercising the power of God given to him, persuaded the Lord to use famine and starvation as a means of turning people away from violence. This slowed the process of death and offered more opportunity to the people to find humility and repentance. Both Lamanites and Nephites were “struck down, dying by the thousands in the more wicked areas.”[13]
As the people faced the precipice of total destruction their hearts turned to the Lord and they acknowledged Nephi as a man of God. Chief judges pled with Nephi to ask the Lord to deliver them from famine. As a witness of their repentance the people humbled themselves and destroyed the Gaddianton gangs from among them.
The Lord responded to Nephi’s request and the people were delivered from the famine, disease and destruction imposed upon them.
The Nephites and Lamanites joined together in the Lord’s congregation and it spread throughout the land. Peace prevailed among the people for a time but after several years of peace, conflicts began increasing. In response to the rising conflicts Nephi and Lehi with many righteous men calmed the conflicts.
“But Nephi and Lehi and many of their associates, who knew about the true points of doctrine, since they had many revelations daily, preached to the people, putting an end to their disputes in the same year” (Covenant of Christ, Helaman 11:23, emphasis added).
Peace was short lived and Nephite dissenters joined with native Lamanites to form Gaddianton bands who murdered and plundered, covering the sins of those who conspired with them. Wickedness began to prevail and the Lord’s people began neglecting their devotions to the Lord. This gave rise to Samuel the Lamanite and a role reversal between the Lamanites and the Nephites. Originally the Nephites sought to recover the Lamanites. In a pattern likely repeated in the last day Gentiles, the Lamanites became the final witness to the Nephites prior to God’s judgments being poured out upon the Nephites. Samuel was part of the Lamanite fruit from the ministries of Nephi and Lehi. A righteous Lamanite warned the Nephites they would face destruction for abandoning their promises to the Lord. Some few accepted the witness of Samuel and sought out Nephi for baptism. The vast majority did not.
The purpose of summarizing this account is to show the context of events likely repeated in the last days. This provides contemporary Gentiles context showing how the Lord carries out his “great and awe-inspiring work” through His servant in the last days.
Nephi, the son of Helaman diligently endured tremendous challenges and remained faithful to the Lord. His crowning act was in the 91st year and occurred when the elder Nephi delivered the brass plates and all other records to his son, Nephi.
“And Nephi the son of Helaman left Zarahemla, giving his eldest son Nephi possession of the brass plates and all other records, along with every item regarded as sacred since Lehi’s departure from Jerusalem. Then he left the land.[14] No one knows where he went. His son Nephi maintained the record of this people after him” (Covenant of Christ, Helaman 16:2-3, emphasis added).
Although Nephi, the son of Helaman was probably translated into Heaven, there is evidence the Lord continued the sealing power from the father to the son. This account introduces the possibility of dual servants, possibly a father and son who jointly prepare the Nephites for the coming of Jesus Christ to the Nephites. When considering types in scripture, it is to our benefit to offer the Lord latitude in how literally and exactly he decides to fulfill these prophecies. Their fulfillment is not always exact. There are multiple variations on how the same theme is accomplished, but the end result is always the same.
For example, in a similar succession story, Elijah and Elisha were unrelated contemporaries. But Elisha was Elijah’s successor and received a “double portion” of the power of Elijah when he witnessed Elijah’s ascent into Heaven.[15] While there are numerous accounts where the right is passed from father to son, it is not limited to that circumstance. Also, it is not a requirement the first person be translated. They can consent to sacrificing their lives, but the option is theirs.[16] There are many examples where a person dies and the right passes to a successor. For our own safety, it’s important to keep an open mind and not impose strict outcomes on the Lord because He is not obligated to commit to or fulfill them.
Nephi, the son of Nephi witnessed an increase in wickedness as signs and miracles occurred in increased magnitude and frequency. But the unbelievers assumed an unsupported subjective conclusion the time of Samuel’s prophecies had passed without being fulfilled. Believers feared Samuel’s prophecies might not happened. Still, they continued watching for the day and night and day that would be like one day with no night.
The unbelievers set a day when those who believed would be executed unless Samuel’s prophecy occurred. Nephi, the son of Nephi knelt and prayed to God when the Lord’s voice spoke words of comfort to him. The Lord said He would enter the world on the following day and the sign would be given that night. All the Lord’s words were vindicated.
For a time Satan’s lies had no power over those who witnessed the miracles but there remained an infestation of Gaddianton robbers in the land.
The most powerful evidence Nephi the son of Nephi received the same and possibly more [double portion?] power than the elder Nephi is the following description of the younger prophet.
“Nephi, who had been visited by angels [Patriarchal Fathers, Powers of Heaven] and heard the Lord’s voice, had seen angels, and was an eyewitness, then had power given to him to let them know about Christ’s ministry. He was also an eyewitness of the swift fall from righteousness to wickedness and abominations. Because he was troubled at the hardness of their hearts and the blindness of their minds, he went out to preach to them that same year. He boldly testified of the need for repentance and remission of sins through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He warned them of many things. Because they can’t all be written, and a part wouldn’t be sufficient, they aren’t written in this book. Nephi taught with power and great authority [like his father Nephi and uncle, Lehi].[17]
They were angry with him, because he truly had greater power than they did. So it was impossible for them to refute the truth of his words. His faith in the Lord Jesus Christ was so deep that angels ministered to him daily. He drove out devils and unclean spirits in Jesus’ name and even raised his brother from the dead after he had been stoned and killed by the people. They saw it with their own eyes and were angry with him because of his power. He also performed many more miracles in the people’s sight, in Jesus name.
And the 31st year came to an end. Only a few were converted to the Lord. But all those who were converted, truthfully declared to the people they had been visited by the power and Spirit of God that was in Jesus Christ, in whom they believed. All those who had devils driven out of them and who were healed of sickness and disease truthfully declared to the people it was the Spirit of God given to them that let them be healed. Signs followed them as well, and people saw them also perform some miracles” (Covenant of Christ, 3 Nephi 7:15-22, emphasis added).
It's difficult to assess Nephi, the son of Nephi’s ministry because very little is written in this account. The fact it is not written in this book suggests there is a record that does provide a full account of his works. Though a detailed account is not provided, the few details provided thatare sufficient to substantiate this man’s accomplishments were notable and extraordinary.
Nephi the son of Nephi prepared the way for the coming of Christ to the Nephites. The servant whom the Father empowers to bring forth the words of Christ may turn out to be servants that will likely be two righteous men. The first, a dispensation head that initiates Israel’s last dispensation and the second, the dispensation head’s successor who completes the dispensation. Thereafter, Christ comes to dwell “in the midst of His people.”[18]
[1]“ . . . Because their laws and how they were administered was controlled by the will of the people, and there were more who chose evil than those who chose good, their entire society was ripening for destruction, since the laws had become corrupted. But this wasn’t the only thing. They were so stubborn and defiant that if you enforced the law or imposed justice, they deserved to be destroyed” (Covenant of Christ Helaman 5:2-3, emphasis added).
[2] “And one powerful among them will rise up and do much good in what he says and does, acting as an instrument in God’s hands with great faith to accomplish wonderful results in God’s sight, to bring a significant restoration for the house of Israel including your brother’s descendants” (Covenant of Christ, 2 Nephi 3:24, emphasis added).
[3] “At that time, to advance My cause, the Father will begin a work, which will be a great and awe-inspiring work among them. There will be many who won’t believe it, although a man will tell it to them. But the ministry of My servant will be led by My hand; therefore they won’t be able to harm his work, although he’ll be opposed and discredited by them. Yet I’ll support him; I’ll show them My wisdom is greater than the accuser’s deceitful scheming. Therefore those who won’t believe My words, and I Am Jesus Christ, which the Father will give and empower that servant to set before the Gentiles, it will result exactly as Moses said: They will be cut off from My people who are part of the covenant” (Covenant of Christ, 3 Nephi 21:9-11, emphasis added).
[4] “I tell you the truth. And I’ll give you a sign to identify the time when these things are about to happen, when I will gather My people, the house of Israel, from their long-scattered state, and will again establish My Zion among them. This is the sign for you: When the things that I’m declaring to you now and after this by the power of the Holy Ghost that are given to you by the Father are then revealed to the Gentiles, and taken as a message through them to you, that is when the Father’s covenant is being fulfilled” (Covenant of Christ, 3 Nephi 21:1-2, emphasis added).
[5] “And one powerful among them will rise up and do much good in what he says and does, acting as an instrument in God’s hands with great faith to accomplish wonderful results in God’s sight, to bring a significant restoration for the house of Israel including your brothers’ descendants” (Covenant of Christ, 2 Nephi 3:24, emphasis added).
[6] “Then the servants went ahead and worked hard, and the lord of the vineyard also worked with them” (Covenant of Christ, Jacob 5:72).
[7] “But if the Gentiles repent and hearken to My words and don’t harden their hearts, I’ll establish My congregation among them. And they will enter the covenant and be included with the remnant of Jacob, to whom I’ve given this land as their inheritance. They will join with My people, the remnant of Jacob, and all those of the house of Israel who come, so they can build a city that will be called the New Jerusalem. Then they will join with My people who are scattered throughout the land so they can be brought in together to the New Jerusalem. Then the Powers of heaven will come down among them, and I will be with them as well” (Covenant of Christ, 3 Nephi 21:22-25, emphasis added).
[8] “Enos tells us the Lord promised him, thou shalt be blessed (Enos 1:1). Words matter, and this statement can be read in the future tense. Enos is not promised that he is blessed but that in some future event or events he “shalt” be blessed.1 If Blessed is another name given to Enos by the Lord, then here is another wonderful revelation about Enos’ relationship with God. These words could be punctuated: “…thou shalt be Blessed,” meaning the Lord gave to Enos the new name “Blessed” at the time of their first meeting. If so, then in the concluding verse of his record, Enos is telling us of the future time when the Lord will call him by the new name “Blessed,” while assuring him of the mansion which belongs to him in the Father’s kingdom.2
Enoch was 25 years old when he was ordained by the hand of Adam, and forty years later (when he was 65), Adam “blessed” him. Once the power came (from the “blessing”), he saw the Lord, and he walked with him, and was before his face continually; and he walked with God three hundred sixty-five years, making him four hundred thirty years old when he was translated (T&C 154:15). So, he is ordained (the first requirement), then he is “blessed” (the second part), which has the effect of him becoming “continually before the Lord” (the intended result of ordination). And Enoch lived sixty-five years and begot Methuselah (Genesis 3:25). Enoch had been ordained to the priesthood but was not a father until he was “blessed” and entered the Lord’s presence” (A Glossary of Gospel Terms, Blessed, pp.590-591, emphasis added). Unlike Enos, Nephi is not promised he will be blessed, He is told he is blessed.
[9] “This has typically been made the compound word forever, but the meaning of that word doesn’t align with the old languages’ statements. Forever means “ongoing in infinite perpetuity.” But then how does one add “ever” to that, as in forever and ever? You cannot add more to infinite perpetuity. The old Hebrew phrase translated into this phrase meant “to the horizon, and again” (l’olam va’ed לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד). It maintained finite limitations, but of great degrees. By keeping for ever as two words, ever may be understood as some finite portion to which additional ever can be added.
The term connotes cycles or returning patterns, as in Christ’s statement in my Father’s house are many mansions (T&C 98:3). When the term “mansion” was used in King James-ian English, it meant “a temporary stop” or what modern language would term a “motel.” For ever and ever implies moving from place to place — or going from estate to estate — in cycles that continue endlessly (A Glossary of Gospel Terms, For Ever, pp.649-650, emphasis added).
[10] “There are three kinds of sealing authority. The first is given at the founding of a dispensation. As a dispensation head, the first form of sealing power is given to establish a covenant for the benefit of those living then and thereafter. Joseph Smith was given a dispensation. This first form of priesthood is only given to men by God. The second is embedded in authoritative ordinance. All dispensations must follow the covenant giver’s ordinances or preserve the ordinance as established through the dispensation head. For as long as the ordinances are kept intact, the covenant is in effect. The condition of being faithful remains part of the ordinance, and the ordinance must be practiced faithfully and cannot be changed, or it is broken. If these conditions are met, the covenant is sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise, and the blessing is secured. This second form of sealing power is not dependent on the presence of a dispensation head and can be a limited sealing authority. This form of sealing is conditional. God is not bound by anything that is one iota different from His word. It can be passed from man-to-man, from generation to generation, and remains in full force and effect for so long as the covenant is unbroken. The third kind of sealing power goes beyond either of the first two. It is given only in rare circumstances and for highly specific purposes. With it, man has the authority to control the elements. This was held by Christ and given to Enoch, Melchizedek, Moses, and Elijah. This was the reason Christ declared that no man could take His life, but He could both lay it down and take it up again. Every individual with this authority must choose to give their lives up willingly. Their lives cannot be taken. This third form is extremely rare and involves an extraordinary combination of mortality and immortality, in which God has faith in a man. All those given this third form of sealing power have only one objective: saving the souls of men” (A Glossary of Gospel Terms, Sealing Power, pp. 795-796, emphasis added).
[11] “Now Melchizedek was a man of faith who wrought righteousness. And when a child, he feared God, and stopped the mouths of lions, and quenched the violence of fire. And thus, having been approved of God, he was ordained a high priest after the Order of the covenant which God made with Enoch, it being after the Order of the Son of God, which Order came not by man, nor the will of men, neither by father nor mother, neither by beginning of days nor end of years, but of God. And it was delivered unto men by the calling of his own voice, according to his own will, unto as many as believed on his name.
For God, having sworn unto Enoch [Nephi] and unto his seed with an oath by himself that everyone being ordained after this Order and calling should have power, by faith, to break mountains, to divide the seas, to dry up waters, to turn them out of their course, to put at defiance the armies of nations, to divide the earth, to break every band, to stand in the presence of God, to do all things according to his will, according to his command subdue principalities and powers; and this by the will of the Son of God which was from before the foundation of the world. And men having this faith, coming up unto this Order of God, were translated and taken up into Heaven” (RE Genesis 7:18-19, emphasis added).
[12] “. . . There will be many who won’t believe it, although a man will tell it to them. But the ministry of MY servant will be led by My hand; therefore they will not be able to harm his work, although he’ll be opposed and discredited by them. Yet I’ll support him; I’ll show them My wisdom is greater than the accuser’s deceitful scheming . . .” (Covenant of Christ, 3 Nephi 21:9-10).
[13] “The entire land suffered, both the Lamanites as well as the Nephites, resulting in both being struck down, dying by the thousands in the more wicked areas” (Covenant of Christ, Helaman 11:6, emphasis added).
[14] “For God, having sworn unto Enoch and unto his seed with an oath by himself that everyone being ordained after this Order and calling should have power, by faith, to break mountains, to divide the seas, to dry up waters, to turn them out of their course, to put at defiance the armies of nations, to divide the earth, to break every band, to stand in the presence of God, to do all things according to his will, according to his command subdue principalities and powers; and this by the will of the Son of God which was from before the foundation of the world. And men having this faith, coming up unto this Order of God, were translated and taken up into Heaven” (RE Genesis 7:19, emphasis added).
[15] “And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for you before I am taken away from you. And Elisha said, I pray you, let a double portion of your spirit be upon me. And he said, You have asked a hard thing. Nevertheless, if you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so unto you but if not, it shall not be so.
And it came to pass, as they still went on and talked, that behold, there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into Heaven. And Elisha saw it, and he cried, My father, my father! The chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof! And he saw him no more. And he took hold of his own clothes and rent them in two pieces. He took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and went back and stood by the bank of Jordan. And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters and said, Where is the Lord God of Elijah? And when he also had smitten the waters, they parted here and there, and Elisha went over” (RE 2 Kings 1:10-11, emphasis added).
[16] “After the meal, Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, do you love me above every thing else? He answered him, Yes, Lord. You know that I love you. He said to him, Take care of my lambs as they are growing. He asked him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, do you love me above every thing else? He said to Him, Yes, Lord you know that I love you. He said to him, Take care of my lambs as they increase. He said to him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, do you love me above every thing else? Peter was concerned because He asked him for a third time, Do you love me? And he said to Him, Lord, you know all things. You know that I love you. Jesus said to him, Care for my lambs as they are added upon. In the name of Father Ahman I tell you, when you were progressing, you dressed yourself, and went where you chose to go; but as you approach the end of the path, you will have to let others stretch out your hands and likewise nail you, even if you plead to have the bitter cup removed. This He said to foretell the sacrificial death that is required for endless glory. And then He added, You must follow after me” (RE T&C 171, Testimony of Saint John 12:18, emphasis added).
[17] “They [Nephi and Lehi] preached powerfully, convinci8ng many of the defectors who had departed from the Nephites that they had been wrong. As a result, they publicly confessed their sins and were baptized as a sign of repentance and immediately returned to the Nephites to attempt to repair the wrongs they had committed. Additionally Nephi and Lehi preached powerfully with a voice of authority to the Lamanites, since God’s power and authority was His gift to them. Their words were inspired through that gift. Therefore the messages were astonishing and so convincing to the Lamanites that 8,000 of them in Zarahemla and the surrounding area were baptized as a sign of repentance because they had been convinced of the wickedness of their fathers’ traditions” (Covenant of Christ, Helaman 5:17-19, emphasis added).
[18] “Then the Powers of Heaven will come down among them, and I will be with them as well” (Covenant of Christ, 3 Nephi 21:26, emphasis added).
Scott Roderick